Buying a pressure cooker can be an investment in both money that will quickly be repaid in health insurance savings. Pressure cookers have changed considerably in the last number of years so you will find much more options to consider. Here’s our help guide help you choose the best pressure cooker to your requirements.
More material. A larger pressure cooker could have more metal and this metal is going to take more time to heat – time you’ll be anticipating it to attain pressure. More liquid. As pressure cooker size increases systems work efficiently the minimum liquid requirements – while a smaller 2qt pressure pan only needs about 1/2 cup of liquid to succeed in pressure a lot larger 12qt pressure cooker needs two cups (or higher)! The same section of meat that braises within the smaller pressure cooker could only be boiled within the larger one – limiting the putting them to use that can be achieved. More work. On the more practical side, an enormous pressure cooker will likely be tricky to completely clean and store. Depending on your own sink and water tap configuration it could be quite a challenge to completely clean. Instead, a 6-quart cooker having a dishwasher safe base can simply slip into the underside rack.
I'm close to the fence about investing in a pressure cooker. I think I want to purchase one, although, if you are be yet another thing like the waffle iron where I spent weeks thinking and researching merely to use it twice.
This not too long ago I've started cooking dried pulses, especially lentils and chickpeas. I love it, though the chickpeas are particularly daunting, taking upto 5 hours to prepare. I cook between 1/2 to at least one cup each time. I'm over a low fibre diet for medical reasons, so I just add the beans into a dish as an alternative to making them the star. So, if I'm making pasta, I'll toss a number of chickpeas inside the sauce for protein and flavour. This way, a cup full of dried chickpeas takes about 5 days to enjoy.