Collaboration across networks and leading by influence
You're working with people all around the world on some projects. You don't work in the same room, you don't come to the same office, but every week you're on a variety of conference calls; you're doing web casts; you're doing net meetings.
Trust is the total number of interactions divided by the number of positive interactions. The higher the number of positive interactions, the greater the trust.
A core competency is the ability to think strategically: to figure out where the work can best be done from both a talent and a cost perspective . How to forge effective collaborative teams and work with people who come from vastly different cultures.
『Use』21st century skills [ such as critical thinking and problem solving ] to understand and address global issues;
『Learn』from and [ work ] collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, work and community contexts;
『Understand』other nations and cultures, including the use of different languages.
而我们今天的学校叫 “Old World of School”,在这里,学生们习惯的方式是command & control,学生们习惯被告知做什么,学生之间的合作也鲜有发生。
Kids just out of school have an amazing lack of preparedness in general leadership skills and collaboration skills. They lack the ability to influence versus direction and command.
学生习惯了简单的服从,而不习惯于reasoning & persuasion 。
Students have a naive about how work gets done in the corporate environment. They have a predisposition toward believing that everything is clearly outlined, and then people give directions, and then other people execute until there's new set of directions.
发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,这一切都要自己完成,至少很大一部分需要自己来完成,或者是和别人合作来完成,在这个过程中重要的不是命令,而是影响力,You lead by influence rather than authority.
Don't our high school graduates really needf to know how to understand another culture or religion, rather than just speak a few phrases of a second language or travel to another country on a study abroad program for school credit?
The concept of leading by influence is another example of a skill that's important not just for business but for society overall. It's about how citizens make change today in their local communities - by trying to influence diverse groups and then creating alliances of groups who would work a common goal. Aren't these the leadership skills we'd want every young person to master in order to be more effective citizens in our democracy?
Corporations need more young people who are problem solvers - who know how to think critically and how to ask good questions - and sometimes even provocative ones. They also need young people who work effectively with others and understand and respect differences - not just in our own country but around the world. Finally, corporations are increasingly being organized around a very different kind of authority and accountability structure - one that is less hierarchical and more reciprocal and relational.