Life doesn’t always give us the joys we want.We don’t always achieve our dreams and we don’t always get our own way.But you’ve heard the expression,“what you see is what you get.”In my younger time, one of my classmates began a talk with me that made me know the real meaning of it.
She said,“Hi, beauty, my name is Lily.Iwear a hat in summer becauseI’ve beendiagnosedwith cancer.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.But why are you in senior high school?”Iasked.
“Ialways dreamed of having a senior high school education and nowI’m getting one.”She told me.
After class we walked to the coffee bar and shared a cup of chocolate milkshake.We became instant friends.
At the end of semester we invited Lily to speak at ourEnglishclub banquet andI’ll never forget what she taught us.She cleared he throat and said:“Firstly,I’m very grateful for your donation.Without you,Iwouldn’t get good treatment.Because of you,Ifound the power in life along with the joy, happiness patience and understanding.
Then,I want to say that we should have a dream.When you lose your dreams, you die.We have so many people walking around who are dead and they don’t even know it.There is a giant difference between growing older and growing up.I’m thirteen years old girl.IfIlie in bed in hospital for a whole year and don’t do any productive things,I’ll turn fourteen years old.Anybody can grow older.That doesn’t need any talent or ability.The point is to grow up by always finding the opportunitiesin changeand pursuing dreams.Someone once asked me,‘Areyouafraidof death?’My answer is no. people usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.The only people who fear death are those regrets.
Finally,I wish you light in your darkest hours, no matter howthreateningyour current situation is or how uneasy you may feel.There is always light for us to access, whether itisthe light of god or the light of close friend.Every night comes to an end, every storm runs its course, and light and peace always return to us.”
She concluded her speech by courageous singing“My Happy Ending”.
At the year’s end, Lily’s situation became worse.She had to come back to stay in hospital.At the final class, she said to us:“Ilove you.”One week after graduation, Lily died peacefully in her sleep.All of theEnglishclub students attend her funeral in tribute to the wonderful girl who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you canpossiblybe.
Time marches on, the song“My Happy Ending”is still in my phone.WhenIlisten to the song,I’ll recall the unforgettable time we spenttogetherin my younger time and what Lily talked with me that changed my life.