get people to do whatever she wants
enlisted thousands of others
If you enlist the help of someone, you persuade them to help or support you in doing something.
feel restive
If you are restive, you are impatient, bored, or dissatisfied. (FORMAL)
liven it up
/l'aɪvən/ ==liven up If a place or event livens up, or if something livens it up, it becomes more interesting and exciting.
cut to the chase
to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important 开门见山;直接切入主题
butter people up
If someone butters you up, they try to please you because they want you to help or support them. (BRIT INFORMAL)
it was miles too slow
miles too big/small/expensive, etc. informal ■very much bigger/smaller/more expensive, etc. than you would like 实在太大/小/贵等
attest how much they had enjoyed having me
To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true. (FORMAL)
a fiend /fiːnd/ with the thank-you letter
1 an evil and cruel person
2 someone who likes something very much or is very interested in something
rattle on for a page and a half
to talk for a long time, especially about things that are not important
bringing the evening to life
to make something more real or exciting, or to become more real or exciting 赋予…生命,使…鲜活起来