Forest fires in Indonesia this year have emitted1.6 gigatonnes of CO2. To put that in perspective, it has beenestimated that the entire world must emit less than 1000 gigatonnes of CO2every year from now on if we are to avoid dangerous global warming. When forestvegetation burns, the amount of CO2released into the atmosphere canbe taken back up again by the plants as they regrow. But in Indonesia it is notonly the plants that are burning. Peat that has accumulated over thousands ofyears is also on fire, releasing buried carbon. Forest fires in Indonesia burnmost fiercely in years when the region is drier, as it is this year. Rainarrived in Indonesia recently, and the number of new fires has dropped.
Which one of the following is a conclusion that canbe drawn from the above passage?
A The forest fires in Indonesia will prevent theachievement of world targets for CO2emissions.
B It is likely that some of the CO2fromthe fires in Indonesia will remain in the atmosphere.
C It is unlikely that forest fires will emit asmuch CO2next year as they have emitted this year.
D If forest fires can be prevented or bettercontrolled, dangerous global warming will not occur.