Compare two or more values and output the largest one. Although the patch’s default type is number, it can be used to compare position, point, color and index values as well.
Right-click to add more values, or change the type (ex: number, position, rotation).
Input 输入
A value to compare to other input values. By default, the value is a number.
与其他 Input 输入的值进行比较的值。默认情况下,该值是一个数字。
Input 输入
A value to compare to other input values. By default, the value is a number.
与其他 Input 输入的值进行比较的值。默认情况下,该值是一个数字。
Output 输出
The largest of the input values.
Related Patches
+ 加,− 减,× 乘,/(÷) 除,Round 四舍五入,Min 最小值