1. immerse oneself in sth./doing sth. 沉浸于(做)某事;专注于(做)某事
e.g. 他专注于提升烹饪技能。
He immerses himself in improving his cooking skills.
e.g. 几个月来,我一直专注于自己的工作,错过了许多节目。
For months, I've been so immersed in my work that I missed out on many festivals.
2. Developing your vocabulary will reqire a strong commitment before we scratch the surface of true mastery.
the true mastery of sth. 精通某事
The true mastery of a language requires commitment.
commitment [U] the willingness to work hard and put effort and time into a job or a certain activity
e.g. 爱情不光意味着快乐,还有付出与坚持。
Love not only means happiness, but also commitment.
e.g. 生活并非易事,需要你有付出。
Life is not easy. It requires commitment.
3. Once you've begun to grasp the use of your new words, speaking in more detail will come more naturally. 一旦你开始领悟新词的用法,你的话语就会更自然地有大量的细节。
The board has yet to grasp the significance of scientific management. 董事会仍未理解科学管理的重要性。
e.g. 你觉得相对论好理解吗?
Do you think that the theory of relativity is easy to grasp?
e.g. 我正在努力理解这个复杂的操作系统的使用方法。
I'm trying to grasp the use of this complicated operating system.
4. There are multiple facets to learning new words, and there's no right or wrong way in gaining an expansible vocabulary. But if there is a sufficient exposure to new words, then most individuals are capable of developing a large vocabulary.
5. Rote memorization isn't the most thrilling excersie to perform, but it will help with the aquisition of a greater vocabulary.
e.g. 诚然,善良是一种美德,但美德并不是一种义务。
It's true that kindness is a virtue, but virtue is not an obligation.
e.g. 管理得当,销量就会突飞猛进。但这并不是一成不变的。
With proper management, sales will flourish. But it isn't always the case.