• 你的思想是创造结果的原因,结果形成你的现实生活。你所看到自己的外在世界,只是你想法的结果。与其努力地改变结果,倒不如在你的思想层面下功夫,关注自己的心灵,这来得重要得多。只有这个层次的改变,才能真正产生不同的结果。
• 无论何时你创造了你不想要的结果,很重要的是你要接受它和释放它,你才能自由的创造不同的结果。
• 举例来说,假设你已创造了一张椅子,但你现在决定不再想要此椅子了。取而代之,你想要得到一张桌子。你必需先要接受并释放此椅子——你思想的结果——这样你才有自由的空间回到你的思想中,去创造一张桌子。
• 通过改变你的思维,从而改变原因,你就能常常改变外在的实相。
• Cause and effect
•Your thoughts are the causes that produce effects which become your reality. What you see outside of yourself is only the effect of your thinking .Instead of working to change the effect,it is important to work on your thoughts on your mind.Only at this level can change be made to produce a different effect.
• Whenever you produce an effect that you no longer desire.it is very important that you accept it as an effect of your own thoughts.Only by accepting and releasing it can you be free to create a different effect.
• For example, suppose that you had created a chair, but now decide that you no longer desire the chair, but desire a table instead. You must first accept and release the chair- the effect of your thought-before you are free to go back to your mind and create a table.
• You can always change the reality outside of yourself by changing your mind about it, and thereby changing the cause