最近升级了iOS16后 发现 文字转语音 相关功能在新系统上面 没有效果,
let speech = AVSpeechSynthesizer()
letavVoice =AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.init(language: isManVoice ?"zh-GB":"zh-CN")
letutterance =AVSpeechUtterance.init(string: voice)
utterance.voice= avVoice
查阅文档发现 升级iOS16之后 不能将 speech声明为局部变量了,要放到方法外部去声明
Hey ! I notice that you are declaring the AVSpeechSynthesizer as a local variable above. As soon as an AVSpeechSynthesizer goes out of scope and is deallocated, speech output is stopped. Can you try instead storing the synthesizer as an instance or state variable?