



  • 包括数量限制、容量限制、时间限制、内存警告、退出后台清空缓存;
  • 采用了双向链表和字典实现了LRU 淘汰算法;
  • 优化同步访问的性能,使用了pthread_mutex_lock锁来保证线程安全;



  • 采用了SQLite配合文件的存储方式;
  • 采用了LRU淘汰算法更快统计数据;

iPhone 6 64G 下,SQLite 写入性能比直接写文件要高,但读取性能取决于数据大小:当单条数据小于 20K 时,数据越小 SQLite 读取性能越高;单条数据大于 20K 时,直接写为文件速度会更快一些。


LRU (英文:Least Recently Used), 意为最近最少使用,这个算法的精髓在于如果一块数据最近被访问,那么它将来被访问的几率也很高,根据数据的历史访问来淘汰长时间未使用的数据。


  • 新数据放在链表头部;
  • 缓存数据被访问时,将数据移到链表头部;
  • 链表满的时候,链表尾部数据被丢弃;


@implementation YYMemoryCache {
    pthread_mutex_t _lock;
    _YYLinkedMap *_lru;
    dispatch_queue_t _queue;
  • 使用了pthread_mutex_lock锁来保证线程安全

除非开发者能保证访问锁的线程全部都处于同一优先级,否则 iOS 系统中所有类型的自旋锁都不能再使用了。
作者做了测试,除了 OSSpinLock 外,dispatch_semaphore 和 pthread_mutex 性能是最高的。

  • 使用_YYLinkedMap来实现LRU算法, _YYLinkedMap中包括一个字典、双向链表的头、尾节点。_YYLinkedMap中还包括对链表的操作,添加节点、移动节点、删除节点。
 A linked map used by YYMemoryCache.
 It's not thread-safe and does not validate the parameters.
 Typically, you should not use this class directly.
@interface _YYLinkedMap : NSObject {
    CFMutableDictionaryRef _dic; // do not set object directly
    NSUInteger _totalCost;
    NSUInteger _totalCount;
    _YYLinkedMapNode *_head; // MRU, do not change it directly
    _YYLinkedMapNode *_tail; // LRU, do not change it directly
    BOOL _releaseOnMainThread;// 默认为NO
    BOOL _releaseAsynchronously; // 默认为YES

/// Insert a node at head and update the total cost.
/// Node and node.key should not be nil.
- (void)insertNodeAtHead:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node;

/// Bring a inner node to header.
/// Node should already inside the dic.
- (void)bringNodeToHead:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node;

/// Remove a inner node and update the total cost.
/// Node should already inside the dic.
- (void)removeNode:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node;

/// Remove tail node if exist.
- (_YYLinkedMapNode *)removeTailNode;

/// Remove all node in background queue.
- (void)removeAll;



 A node in linked map.
 Typically, you should not use this class directly.
@interface _YYLinkedMapNode : NSObject {
    __unsafe_unretained _YYLinkedMapNode *_prev; // retained by dic
    __unsafe_unretained _YYLinkedMapNode *_next; // retained by dic
    id _key;
    id _value;
    NSUInteger _cost;
    NSTimeInterval _time;

@implementation _YYLinkedMapNode


  1. 新增节点并将节点添加到链表头部
- (void)insertNodeAtHead:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node {
    CFDictionarySetValue(_dic, (__bridge const void *)(node->_key), (__bridge const void *)(node));
    _totalCost += node->_cost;
    if (_head) {
        node->_next = _head;
        _head->_prev = node;
        _head = node;
    } else {
        _head = _tail = node;
  1. 移动访问到的节点到链表头部
- (void)bringNodeToHead:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node {
    if (_head == node) return;
    if (_tail == node) {
        _tail = node->_prev;
        _tail->_next = nil;
    } else {
        node->_next->_prev = node->_prev;
        node->_prev->_next = node->_next;
    node->_next = _head;
    node->_prev = nil;
    _head->_prev = node;
    _head = node;
  1. 移除节点
- (void)removeNode:(_YYLinkedMapNode *)node {
    CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_dic, (__bridge const void *)(node->_key));
    _totalCost -= node->_cost;
    if (node->_next) node->_next->_prev = node->_prev;
    if (node->_prev) node->_prev->_next = node->_next;
    if (_head == node) _head = node->_next;
    if (_tail == node) _tail = node->_prev;
  1. 移除尾节点
- (_YYLinkedMapNode *)removeTailNode {
    if (!_tail) return nil;
    _YYLinkedMapNode *tail = _tail;
    CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_dic, (__bridge const void *)(_tail->_key));
    _totalCost -= _tail->_cost;
    if (_head == _tail) {
        _head = _tail = nil;
    } else {
        _tail = _tail->_prev;
        _tail->_next = nil;
    return tail;
  1. 删除所有节点
static inline dispatch_queue_t YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue() {
    return dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0);
- (void)removeAll {
    _totalCost = 0;
    _totalCount = 0;
    _head = nil;
    _tail = nil;
    if (CFDictionaryGetCount(_dic) > 0) {
        CFMutableDictionaryRef holder = _dic;
        _dic = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        if (_releaseAsynchronously) {
            dispatch_queue_t queue = _releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
            dispatch_async(queue, ^{
                CFRelease(holder); // hold and release in specified queue
        } else if (_releaseOnMainThread && !pthread_main_np()) {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                CFRelease(holder); // hold and release in specified queue
        } else {



 The auto trim check time interval in seconds. Default is 5.0.
 @discussion The cache holds an internal timer to check whether the cache reaches 
 its limits, and if the limit is reached, it begins to evict objects.
@property NSTimeInterval autoTrimInterval;
- (void)_trimRecursively {
    __weak typeof(self) _self = self;
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(_autoTrimInterval * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
        __strong typeof(_self) self = _self;
        if (!self) return;
        [self _trimInBackground];
        [self _trimRecursively];

- (void)_trimInBackground {
    dispatch_async(_queue, ^{
        [self _trimToCost:self->_costLimit];
        [self _trimToCount:self->_countLimit];
        [self _trimToAge:self->_ageLimit];

如果内存超过了costLimit、countLimit、ageLimit需要遍历链表,移除尾部节点,将节点加到数组中,然后将对象捕获block中,在子线程或主线程异步释放对象。_trimToCount, _trimToAge和下面代码类似。

- (void)_trimToCost:(NSUInteger)costLimit {
    BOOL finish = NO;
    if (costLimit == 0) {
        [_lru removeAll];
        finish = YES;
    } else if (_lru->_totalCost <= costLimit) {
        finish = YES;
    if (finish) return;
    NSMutableArray *holder = [NSMutableArray new];
    while (!finish) {
        if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&_lock) == 0) {
            if (_lru->_totalCost > costLimit) {
                _YYLinkedMapNode *node = [_lru removeTailNode];
                if (node) [holder addObject:node];
            } else {
                finish = YES;
        } else {
            usleep(10 * 1000); //10 ms
    if (holder.count) {
        dispatch_queue_t queue = _lru->_releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            [holder count]; // release in queue



- (instancetype)init {
   self = super.init;
   pthread_mutex_init(&_lock, NULL);
   _lru = [_YYLinkedMap new];
// 队列是串行的
   _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.ibireme.cache.memory", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
   _countLimit = NSUIntegerMax;
   _costLimit = NSUIntegerMax;
   _ageLimit = DBL_MAX;
   _autoTrimInterval = 5.0;
   _shouldRemoveAllObjectsOnMemoryWarning = YES;
   _shouldRemoveAllObjectsWhenEnteringBackground = YES;
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_appDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification) name:UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification object:nil];
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_appDidEnterBackgroundNotification) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
   // 每5秒钟检查内存
   [self _trimRecursively];
   return self;

- (void)dealloc {
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification object:nil];
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
   [_lru removeAll];


- (id)objectForKey:(id)key {
    if (!key) return nil;
    _YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
    if (node) {
        node->_time = CACurrentMediaTime();
        [_lru bringNodeToHead:node];
    return node ? node->_value : nil;


- (void)setObject:(id)object forKey:(id)key withCost:(NSUInteger)cost {
    if (!key) return;
    if (!object) {
        [self removeObjectForKey:key];
    _YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
    NSTimeInterval now = CACurrentMediaTime();
    if (node) {
        _lru->_totalCost -= node->_cost;
        _lru->_totalCost += cost;
        node->_cost = cost;
        node->_time = now;
        node->_value = object;
        [_lru bringNodeToHead:node];
    } else {
        node = [_YYLinkedMapNode new];
        node->_cost = cost;
        node->_time = now;
        node->_key = key;
        node->_value = object;
        [_lru insertNodeAtHead:node];
    if (_lru->_totalCost > _costLimit) {
        dispatch_async(_queue, ^{
            [self trimToCost:_costLimit];
    if (_lru->_totalCount > _countLimit) {
        _YYLinkedMapNode *node = [_lru removeTailNode];
        if (_lru->_releaseAsynchronously) {
            dispatch_queue_t queue = _lru->_releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
            dispatch_async(queue, ^{
                [node class]; //hold and release in queue
        } else if (_lru->_releaseOnMainThread && !pthread_main_np()) {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [node class]; //hold and release in queue


- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)key {
    if (!key) return;
    _YYLinkedMapNode *node = CFDictionaryGetValue(_lru->_dic, (__bridge const void *)(key));
    if (node) {
        [_lru removeNode:node];
        if (_lru->_releaseAsynchronously) {
            dispatch_queue_t queue = _lru->_releaseOnMainThread ? dispatch_get_main_queue() : YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueue();
            dispatch_async(queue, ^{
                [node class]; //hold and release in queue
        } else if (_lru->_releaseOnMainThread && !pthread_main_np()) {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [node class]; //hold and release in queue



 If the object's data size (in bytes) is larger than this value, then object will
 be stored as a file, otherwise the object will be stored in sqlite.
 0 means all objects will be stored as separated files, NSUIntegerMax means all
 objects will be stored in sqlite. 
 The default value is 20480 (20KB).
@property (readonly) NSUInteger inlineThreshold;


@implementation YYDiskCache {
    YYKVStorage *_kv;
    dispatch_semaphore_t _lock;
    dispatch_queue_t _queue;


 YYKVStorageItem is used by `YYKVStorage` to store key-value pair and meta data.
 Typically, you should not use this class directly.
@interface YYKVStorageItem : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *key;                ///< key
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSData *value;                ///< value
@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSString *filename; ///< filename (nil if inline)
@property (nonatomic) int size;                             ///< value's size in bytes
@property (nonatomic) int modTime;                          ///< modification unix timestamp
@property (nonatomic) int accessTime;                       ///< last access unix timestamp
@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSData *extendedData; ///< extended data (nil if no extended data)


typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, YYKVStorageType) {
    /// The `value` is stored as a file in file system.
    YYKVStorageTypeFile = 0,
    /// The `value` is stored in sqlite with blob type.
    YYKVStorageTypeSQLite = 1,
    /// The `value` is stored in file system or sqlite based on your choice.
    YYKVStorageTypeMixed = 2,


// 直接调用init方法会抛出异常
- (instancetype)init {
    @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YYDiskCache init error" reason:@"YYDiskCache must be initialized with a path. Use 'initWithPath:' or 'initWithPath:inlineThreshold:' instead." userInfo:nil];
    return [self initWithPath:@"" inlineThreshold:0];

- (instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString *)path {
    return [self initWithPath:path inlineThreshold:1024 * 20]; // 20KB

- (instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString *)path
             inlineThreshold:(NSUInteger)threshold {
    self = [super init];
    if (!self) return nil;
    YYDiskCache *globalCache = _YYDiskCacheGetGlobal(path);
    if (globalCache) return globalCache;
    YYKVStorageType type;
    if (threshold == 0) {
        type = YYKVStorageTypeFile;
    } else if (threshold == NSUIntegerMax) {
        type = YYKVStorageTypeSQLite;
    } else {
        type = YYKVStorageTypeMixed;
    YYKVStorage *kv = [[YYKVStorage alloc] initWithPath:path type:type];
    if (!kv) return nil;
    // 设置默认初始值
    _kv = kv;
    _path = path;
    _lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
    _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.ibireme.cache.disk", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
    _inlineThreshold = threshold;
    _countLimit = NSUIntegerMax;
    _costLimit = NSUIntegerMax;
    _ageLimit = DBL_MAX;
    _freeDiskSpaceLimit = 0;
    _autoTrimInterval = 60;
    [self _trimRecursively];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_appWillBeTerminated) name:UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:nil];
    return self;


- (void)_trimToCost:(NSUInteger)costLimit {
    if (costLimit >= INT_MAX) return;
    [_kv removeItemsToFitSize:(int)costLimit];

- (void)_trimToCount:(NSUInteger)countLimit {
    if (countLimit >= INT_MAX) return;
    [_kv removeItemsToFitCount:(int)countLimit];

- (void)_trimToAge:(NSTimeInterval)ageLimit {
    if (ageLimit <= 0) {
        [_kv removeAllItems];
    long timestamp = time(NULL);
    if (timestamp <= ageLimit) return;
    long age = timestamp - ageLimit;
    if (age >= INT_MAX) return;
    [_kv removeItemsEarlierThanTime:(int)age];

- (void)_trimToFreeDiskSpace:(NSUInteger)targetFreeDiskSpace {
    if (targetFreeDiskSpace == 0) return;
    int64_t totalBytes = [_kv getItemsSize];
    if (totalBytes <= 0) return;
    int64_t diskFreeBytes = _YYDiskSpaceFree();
    if (diskFreeBytes < 0) return;
    int64_t needTrimBytes = targetFreeDiskSpace - diskFreeBytes;
    if (needTrimBytes <= 0) return;
    int64_t costLimit = totalBytes - needTrimBytes;
    if (costLimit < 0) costLimit = 0;
    [self _trimToCost:(int)costLimit];

kv中removeItemsToFitSize和removeItemsToFitCount方法类似,根据last_access_time时间排序,每16个一组,如果数量大于max值,如果有file name则删除file中文件,然后删除数据库中的数据。直到数量小于maxcount值。

- (BOOL)removeItemsToFitCount:(int)maxCount {
    if (maxCount == INT_MAX) return YES;
    if (maxCount <= 0) return [self removeAllItems];
    int total = [self _dbGetTotalItemCount];
    if (total < 0) return NO;
    if (total <= maxCount) return YES;
    NSArray *items = nil;
    BOOL suc = NO;
    do {
        int perCount = 16;
        items = [self _dbGetItemSizeInfoOrderByTimeAscWithLimit:perCount];
        for (YYKVStorageItem *item in items) {
            if (total > maxCount) {
                if (item.filename) {
                    [self _fileDeleteWithName:item.filename];
                suc = [self _dbDeleteItemWithKey:item.key];
            } else {
            if (!suc) break;
    } while (total > maxCount && items.count > 0 && suc);
    if (suc) [self _dbCheckpoint];
    return suc;


- (BOOL)removeItemsEarlierThanTime:(int)time {
    if (time <= 0) return YES;
    if (time == INT_MAX) return [self removeAllItems];
    switch (_type) {
        case YYKVStorageTypeSQLite: {
            if ([self _dbDeleteItemsWithTimeEarlierThan:time]) {
                [self _dbCheckpoint];
                return YES;
        } break;
        case YYKVStorageTypeFile:
        case YYKVStorageTypeMixed: {
            NSArray *filenames = [self _dbGetFilenamesWithTimeEarlierThan:time];
            for (NSString *name in filenames) {
                [self _fileDeleteWithName:name];
            if ([self _dbDeleteItemsWithTimeEarlierThan:time]) {
                [self _dbCheckpoint];
                return YES;
        } break;
    return NO;


- (void)_dbCheckpoint {
    if (![self _dbCheck]) return;
    // Cause a checkpoint to occur, merge `sqlite-wal` file to `sqlite` file.
    sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(_db, NULL);


- (BOOL)_dbInitialize {
    NSString *sql = @"pragma journal_mode = wal; pragma synchronous = normal; create table if not exists manifest (key text, filename text, size integer, inline_data blob, modification_time integer, last_access_time integer, extended_data blob, primary key(key)); create index if not exists last_access_time_idx on manifest(last_access_time);";
    return [self _dbExecute:sql];


pragma journal_mode = wal;

设置数据库访问模式,从iOS4.3开始,sqlite提供了Write-Ahead Logging模式,在大部分情况下这种模式读写速度更快,且两者互不堵塞。使用这种模式时,改写操作不改动数据库文件,而是修改到WAL文件中。

pragma synchronous = normal;

PRAGMA synchronous = FULL; (2)
PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL; (1)
PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; (0)


- (void)setObject:(id<NSCoding>)object forKey:(NSString *)key {
    if (!key) return;
    if (!object) {
        [self removeObjectForKey:key];
    NSData *extendedData = [YYDiskCache getExtendedDataFromObject:object];
    NSData *value = nil;
    if (_customArchiveBlock) {
        value = _customArchiveBlock(object);
    } else {
        @try {
            value = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:object];
        @catch (NSException *exception) {
            // nothing to do...
    if (!value) return;
    NSString *filename = nil;
    if (_kv.type != YYKVStorageTypeSQLite) {
        if (value.length > _inlineThreshold) {
            filename = [self _filenameForKey:key];
    [_kv saveItemWithKey:key value:value filename:filename extendedData:extendedData];


  • 如果filename是存在的,则把value保存在file中
  • 然后保存到数据库中,这时数据库中之保存filename
  • 如果保存数据库失败,则把刚开始写入的文件也删除
- (BOOL)saveItemWithKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSData *)value filename:(NSString *)filename extendedData:(NSData *)extendedData {
    if (key.length == 0 || value.length == 0) return NO;
    if (_type == YYKVStorageTypeFile && filename.length == 0) {
        return NO;
    if (filename.length) {
        if (![self _fileWriteWithName:filename data:value]) {
            return NO;
        if (![self _dbSaveWithKey:key value:value fileName:filename extendedData:extendedData]) {
            [self _fileDeleteWithName:filename];
            return NO;
        return YES;
    } else {
        if (_type != YYKVStorageTypeSQLite) {
            NSString *filename = [self _dbGetFilenameWithKey:key];
            if (filename) {
                [self _fileDeleteWithName:filename];
        return [self _dbSaveWithKey:key value:value fileName:nil extendedData:extendedData];


- (id<NSCoding>)objectForKey:(NSString *)key {
    if (!key) return nil;
    YYKVStorageItem *item = [_kv getItemForKey:key];
    if (!item.value) return nil;
    id object = nil;
    if (_customUnarchiveBlock) {
        object = _customUnarchiveBlock(item.value);
    } else {
        @try {
            object = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:item.value];
        @catch (NSException *exception) {
            // nothing to do...
    if (object && item.extendedData) {
        [YYDiskCache setExtendedData:item.extendedData toObject:object];
    return object;


  • 查询数据库查找到了YYKVStorageItem
  • 更新数据库中的时间,为了实现LRU
  • 如果item是有filename,说明缓存是用file形式存储的,从file中取出value
  • 如果没有取到value也将数据库该条数据删除
- (YYKVStorageItem *)getItemForKey:(NSString *)key {
    if (key.length == 0) return nil;
    YYKVStorageItem *item = [self _dbGetItemWithKey:key excludeInlineData:NO];
    if (item) {
        [self _dbUpdateAccessTimeWithKey:key];
        if (item.filename) {
            item.value = [self _fileReadWithName:item.filename];
            if (!item.value) {
                [self _dbDeleteItemWithKey:key];
                item = nil;
    return item;


  1. 打开数据库
 sqlite3_open(_dbPath.UTF8String, &_db);
- (BOOL)_dbOpen {
    if (_db) return YES;
    int result = sqlite3_open(_dbPath.UTF8String, &_db);
    if (result == SQLITE_OK) {
        CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks keyCallbacks = kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
        CFDictionaryValueCallBacks valueCallbacks = {0};
        _dbStmtCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), 0, &keyCallbacks, &valueCallbacks);
        _dbLastOpenErrorTime = 0;
        _dbOpenErrorCount = 0;
        return YES;
    } else {
        _db = NULL;
        if (_dbStmtCache) CFRelease(_dbStmtCache);
        _dbStmtCache = NULL;
        _dbLastOpenErrorTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
        if (_errorLogsEnabled) {
            NSLog(@"%s line:%d sqlite open failed (%d).", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, result);
        return NO;
  1. 关闭数据库
- (BOOL)_dbClose {
    if (!_db) return YES;
    int  result = 0;
    BOOL retry = NO;
    BOOL stmtFinalized = NO;
    if (_dbStmtCache) CFRelease(_dbStmtCache);
    _dbStmtCache = NULL;
    do {
        retry = NO;
        result = sqlite3_close(_db);
        if (result == SQLITE_BUSY || result == SQLITE_LOCKED) {
            if (!stmtFinalized) {
                stmtFinalized = YES;
                sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
                while ((stmt = sqlite3_next_stmt(_db, nil)) != 0) {
                    retry = YES;
        } else if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
            if (_errorLogsEnabled) {
                NSLog(@"%s line:%d sqlite close failed (%d).", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, result);
    } while (retry);
    _db = NULL;
    return YES;
  1. 校验数据库,如果打开数据库错误的次数大于8的话,并且现在时间和上次错误打开的时间差大于2s,说明打开数据库失败
- (BOOL)_dbCheck {
    if (!_db) {
        if (_dbOpenErrorCount < kMaxErrorRetryCount &&
            CACurrentMediaTime() - _dbLastOpenErrorTime > kMinRetryTimeInterval) {
            return [self _dbOpen] && [self _dbInitialize];
        } else {
            return NO;
    return YES;


// 绑定、更新数据
// 执行语句
- (BOOL)_dbSaveWithKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSData *)value fileName:(NSString *)fileName extendedData:(NSData *)extendedData {
    NSString *sql = @"insert or replace into manifest (key, filename, size, inline_data, modification_time, last_access_time, extended_data) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7);";
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = [self _dbPrepareStmt:sql];
    if (!stmt) return NO;
    int timestamp = (int)time(NULL);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, key.UTF8String, -1, NULL);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, fileName.UTF8String, -1, NULL);
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 3, (int)value.length);
    if (fileName.length == 0) {
        sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 4, value.bytes, (int)value.length, 0);
    } else {
        sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 4, NULL, 0, 0);
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 5, timestamp);
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 6, timestamp);
    sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 7, extendedData.bytes, (int)extendedData.length, 0);
    int result = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (result != SQLITE_DONE) {
        if (_errorLogsEnabled) NSLog(@"%s line:%d sqlite insert error (%d): %s", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, result, sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
        return NO;
    return YES;

在获取 sqlite3_stmt时,都会调用_dbPrepareStmt方法,用这个方法将stmt缓存起来。

- (sqlite3_stmt *)_dbPrepareStmt:(NSString *)sql {
    if (![self _dbCheck] || sql.length == 0 || !_dbStmtCache) return NULL;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt = (sqlite3_stmt *)CFDictionaryGetValue(_dbStmtCache, (__bridge const void *)(sql));
    if (!stmt) {
        int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, sql.UTF8String, -1, &stmt, NULL);
        if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
            if (_errorLogsEnabled) NSLog(@"%s line:%d sqlite stmt prepare error (%d): %s", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, result, sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
            return NULL;
        CFDictionarySetValue(_dbStmtCache, (__bridge const void *)(sql), stmt);
    } else {
    return stmt;



YYCache 设计思路
不再安全的 OSSpinLock
深入理解 YYCache
iOS Sqlite3 的总结

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