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Literature evidence for the identified target genes in cancer

We used OncoScore, a text mining tool to assess the associations between each gene and specific cancers based on the literature. A cutoff value of 21.09 was suggested to determine true positives and the true negatives in cancer gene identification.


习惯性的打开浏览器,准备打破砂锅问到底,惊喜的发现,OncoScore竟然是一个写好的R包,而且放在了Bioconductor网页,可直接进行安装、使用。虽然文章发在了Sci Rep杂志上,但是小编认为还是值得一试。



The OncoScore analysis consists of two parts. One can estimate a score to asses the
oncogenic potential of a set of genes, given the lecterature knowledge, at the time of the
analysis, or one can study the trend of such score over time.



4.1 准备工作

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


# load the library
# Define a query
query = perform.query(c("ASXL1","IDH1","IDH2","SETBP1","TET2"))

### Starting the queries for the selected genes.

### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 923 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 3691 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 1318 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 177 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 1609 

### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 1018 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 3902 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 1499 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 229 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 2117


OncoScore provides a function to merge gene names if requested by the user. This function is useful when there are aliases in the gene list.

combine.query.results(query, c('IDH1', 'IDH2'), 'new_gene')
         CitationsGene CitationsGeneInCancer
ASXL1             1018                   923
SETBP1             229                   177
TET2              2117                  1609
new_gene          5401                  5009


4.2 重点来啦

4.2.1 开始计算基因的致癌评分
result = compute.oncoscore(query)

### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 81.59349 
     IDH1 -> 86.66355 
     IDH2 -> 79.59096 
     SETBP1 -> 67.43283 
     TET2 -> 69.12424
4.2.2 时间趋势分析(OncoScore timeline analysis)
query.timepoints = perform.query.timeseries(c("ASXL1","IDH1","IDH2","SETBP1","TET2"),
                                            c("2012/03/01", "2013/03/01", "2014/03/01", "2015/03/01", "2016/03/01"))

### Starting the queries for the selected genes.
### Quering PubMed for timepoint 2012/03/01 
    ### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 86 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 409 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 173 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 5 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 173 
    ### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 92 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 489 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 235 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 10 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 197 
### Quering PubMed for timepoint 2013/03/01 
    ### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 135 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 662 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 267 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 11 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 258 
    ### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 150 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 753 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 336 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 18 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 303 
### Quering PubMed for timepoint 2014/03/01 
    ### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 188 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 904 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 365 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 29 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 347
    ### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 209 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 1003 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 440 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 36 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 431 
### Quering PubMed for timepoint 2015/03/01 
    ### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 257 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 1198 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 468 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 51 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 461 
    ### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 286 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 1304 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 551 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 66 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 583 
### Quering PubMed for timepoint 2016/03/01 
    ### Performing queries for cancer literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 323 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 1506 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 569 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 68 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 587
    ### Performing queries for all the literature 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for ASXL1 was: 359 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH1 was: 1625 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for IDH2 was: 661 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for SETBP1 was: 89 
    Number of papers found in PubMed for TET2 was: 745 

perform.query.timeseries ()函数检索了几个设定时间的文献数据信息。

result.timeseries = compute.oncoscore.timeseries(query.timepoints)

### Computing oncoscore for timepoint 2012/03/01 
### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 79.14893 
     IDH1 -> 74.27776 
     IDH2 -> 64.27063 
     SETBP1 -> 34.9485 
     TET2 -> 76.29579 
### Computing oncoscore for timepoint 2013/03/01 
### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 77.54983 
     IDH1 -> 78.71551 
     IDH2 -> 69.99559 
     SETBP1 -> 46.4559 
     TET2 -> 74.81894 
### Computing oncoscore for timepoint 2014/03/01 
### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 78.28121 
     IDH1 -> 81.08963 
     IDH2 -> 73.50788 
     SETBP1 -> 64.97398 
     TET2 -> 71.31087 
     ### Computing oncoscore for timepoint 2015/03/01 
### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 78.84769 
     IDH1 -> 82.99363 
     IDH2 -> 75.60886 
     SETBP1 -> 64.48853 
     TET2 -> 70.46695 
### Computing oncoscore for timepoint 2016/03/01 
### Processing data
### Computing frequencies scores 
### Estimating oncogenes
### Results:
     ASXL1 -> 79.37202 
     IDH1 -> 83.9881 
     IDH2 -> 76.89328 
     SETBP1 -> 64.60591 
     TET2 -> 70.53378 
4.2.3 可视化
## Oncogenetic potential of the considered genes
plot.oncoscore(result, col = 'darkblue')

## Absolute values of the oncogenetic potential of the considered genes over times

## Variations of the oncogenetic potential of the considered genes over times
                          incremental = TRUE,
                          ylab='absolute variation')

## Variations as relative values of the oncogenetic potential of the considered genes over times
                          incremental = TRUE,
                          relative = TRUE,
                          ylab='relative variation')


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