作者:Eileen Caddy
No one likes to be hurt or slighted; no one likes to be ignored or made to feel unloved and unwanted. So why not treat your fellow human beings with love and respect? Try to understand them and be willing to go that second mile with them if necessary. Be very tolerant, very patient and very loving. It is the way you would like to be treated yourself, so live as you would wish others to live. Be a good example, but never do it because you feel it is expected of you. Do it because you want to do it and long with all your heart to give of your best in everything you do, say and think. The greater your desire, the easier it will be to fulfil it. Never be satisfied with anything mediocre or half hearted. See that everything you do is of the very highest, that your motives are pure, and that there is nothing selfish or self-centred in anything you do.