一、Message from Lark Doley
大家熟悉我们的组织框架吗?从会员(member > 358,000)开始,我们来屡一遍。会员组成俱乐部(club> 16,800),俱乐部组成小区(area),小区组成中区(division),中区组成大区(district),大区组成14个regions,14个regions组成头马国际(Toastmasters International,涵盖143个国家)。
每个俱乐部有7个官员,每个大区有6个官员。头马国际有20位指导委员会成员(Board of Directors)。其中,14位来自14个Regions,还有6位执行委员。在国际头马总部(Englewood,Colorado),我们雇用了150多位职员为我们服务。这就是我们的组织结构了。
我们是会员牵引和领导力持续发展的(We are member-driven and leadership-sustained)。我们的任务就是促进每一个会员实现他们的目标和成功。我们的成功来自每一位会员的成功。
二、Member Story
1. Leaving War-Torn Syria with Dreams of Leadership
Ahmad Almallah出生并生长在叙利亚的大马士革,不用多说大家也可以想到他生活的不易。被父母送出国之后,他在马来西亚完成本科学位,之后赴加拿大继续攻读研究生学位。
2. Semifinalist Inspired by Champions
当得知2018年参加国际演讲比赛的选手中女性占比仅有25-30%,Lindy MacLaine, CC, ALB惊讶了。更让他惊讶的是,头马国际于1973年才允许女性加入头马。还有惊讶的事情是,截止2017年,仅有四位女性赢得了国际演讲比赛的冠军。于是,Lindy参加所有的比赛,并虚心请教提高方法。
今年,尽管没有出线,但她非常激动地看到本届国际演讲比赛的冠亚季军都是女性,这是史无前例的第一回。Lindy感悟到,“Speakers win when they can be themselves on stage. When they can physically maximize who they are through movement and dress, then vocally express who they are and craft a story that brings their message to life with power and humor, they win—whether male or female.”
三、Public Speaking and Leadership
1. How to Have a Better Conversation
A conversation is a mutual exchange of ideas.
❤ Engaged Listening 用心倾听
Listening is hard because it requires that you be focused and present.
❤ The ‘Liking Gap’ 用心链接
为什么我们不愿面对面直接沟通呢?We tend to significantly underestimate how much other people like us. We’re stuck in our own heads, afraid we will say the wrong thing. So, let go of your fear.
❤ Finding Balance 你说他也说
Allow the other person to speak as often as you do.
2. Challenges of the Virtual World
这一篇文章很深刻,值得思考,值得好好阅读一下。网络让我们链接更加容易,但同时使我们更加孤独。为什么呢?什么又是Emotion emptiness?
首先,网络缺乏human sensory feedback.
第四,网络使我们无法make a decision.
究其根本,在网络中they lack authentic emotional connections。但我们又不能离开网络,怎么办呢?看看这篇文章吧
3. Leading by Doing
◆ Increase your PRODUCTIVITY
◆ Do more PRACTICE
◆ LEARNING-by-doing
◆ IMPROVING the way you do things
Finally, Good Leaders Are Great Doers!
4. You may have impostor syndrome
Impostor syndrome是个啥?冒充者综合症,又称自我能力否定倾向。啥意思呢?按照客观标准你已经很牛了,但你觉得你并不牛,甚至觉得你自己就是个冒充很牛的人。这种症状的核心就是:无法承认自己的成功。怎样调整自己的自信心使其匹配我们的能力,从而发挥自己最大的潜能呢?
MaureenZappala, DTM教大家四个方法:
✔Get the information了解你的症状
✔Examine the accusation 处理你内心对自己能力的指控
Step 1: Capture the thought
Step 2: Cross-examine the thought.
Step 3: Counter the thought.
✔Cultivate conversation 建立连接和社群
✔Collect your documentation 点滴荣誉十足力量
5. Making a Difference as a Toastmaster
Steve Gilliland告诉我们,No matter what challenges you face each day, you have to remain determined to find a way to bring joy and hope to people around you. Try to focus on maintaining a calm, compassionate, humorous and positive attitude.如何做到这样呢?
☆ Fill Your Own Cup First
☆ Live Your Message
☆ Be Driven by Purpose
☆ Discover True Wealth
The real purpose behind speaking is to inspire people everywhere to
Three women take top honors and make Toastmasters history.
♡ 1st place, Ramona J. Smith, CC
Title: Still Standing
“When you are in the ring of life, you will face some challenges…You are going to get hit, you will be punched, you will be bruised. Even though you fall down and stumble, all you have to do is find whatever strength lies within you or outside you from family, friends, faith, your mentors and coaches to help pull you back up.”
♡ 2nd place, Sherrie Su, ACS, ALB
Title: Turn Around
“People … relationships? They’re scary. But when I turn my back on them, my dark, lonely shadow scared me even more.” “Are you turning your back on your fear? Our life is like this stage. What scares you now may bring you the most beautiful thing. Give it a chance.”
♡ 3rd place, Anita Fain Taylor, ACB, ALB
Title: It Is What It Is, It Ain’t What It Ain’t
“It is what it is; it ain’t what it ain’t,” meant that she was not defined by these perceived failures but that they were opportunities to begin anew.
1. Annual Business Meeting
2. Accredited Speakers
√ Edwin W. Ettinghausen, ACB, from Murrieta, California;
√ Greg Wood, ACS, ALS, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada;
√ Maurice DiMino, ACB, from Canoga Park, California;
√ Tamara Smiley Hamilton, ACG, CL, from Reston, Virginia;
√ Terry Watson, DTM, from Chicago, Illinois;
√ Valda Ford, DTM, from High Point, North Carolina.
3. Golden Gavel: Keith Ferrazzi
今年的“金锤奖”授予了Keith Ferrazzi,以表彰他在人际网络和关系建立中的卓越贡献。在颁奖典礼上,他就“无权威领导”(leading without authority)做了演讲。
4. Hall of Fame
5. New Executive Committee
6. Education Sessions-来看看世界一流演讲家的演讲吧
△ Johnny Campbell – Embracing the Winds of Change: Adjust Your Sails
△ Pat Johnson – Building and Sustaining Vibrant Corporate Clubs
△ Sarah Khan – Begin Within
△ Eldonna Lewis Fernandez – Think Like a Negotiator:Ways to Create Win-Win Results
△ Mohammed Murad – Is Leadership for Me?
△ Lars Sudmann – The Innovative Toastmaster
△ Michelle Tillis Lederman – How to Get What You Want: Influencing Others Into Action
7. Speech Contests
谁是冠军呢?那个Still standing的lady啦~
“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。
欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~
IPP, Datang Advanced TMC (20.1-20.6)
Club No: 07110355, D88, Area H2
Charter Date: Dec. 9, 2018