TED 为什么大规模网络公开课(仍然)那么重要(视频+中英对照+音频)

Why massive open online courses (still) matter

TED简介:2013 |2013年是MOOCs(大规模网络公开课)泛滥的一年。随着最初的失望而来的是巨大的数字和满腔的信心。但是edX网站的负责人阿加瓦尔指出这样的事实,作为一种广泛分享的高端学习方式,作为传统教室的一种补充教学方法(也许不是取代),MOOCs仍然关系重大。阿加瓦尔分享了混合式学习的观点,教师可以利用混合式学习来为21世纪的学生创造理想的学习体验。

演讲者:Anant Agarwal阿南特·阿加瓦尔





I'd like to reimagine education. The last year has seen the invention of a new four-letter word. It starts with an M. MOOC: massive open online courses. Many organizations are offering these online courses to students all over the world, in the millions, for free. Anybody who has an Internet connection and the will to learn can access these great courses from excellent universities and get a credential at the end of it.


Now, in this discussion today, I'm going to focus on a different aspect of MOOCs. We are taking what we are learning and the technologies we are developing in the large and applying them in the small to create a blended model of education to really reinvent and reimagine what we do in the classroom.


Now, our classrooms could use change. So, here's a classroom at this little three-letter institute in the Northeast of America, MIT. And this was a classroom about 50 or 60 years ago, and this is a classroom today. What's changed? The seats are in color. Whoop-de-do. Education really hasn't changed in the past 500 years. The last big innovation in education was the printing press and the textbooks. Everything else has changed around us. You know, from healthcare to transportation, everything is different, but education hasn't changed.

我们的教室需要改变。这是一间教室其所属的教育机构有三个字母组成,即美国东北部的MIT。这是五六十年代的一间教室,而这是目前使用的教室有什么变化吗?座位有了颜色,呕吼教育模式根本未曾改变过。过去的500年内教育领域里最近的一个大革新,是印刷机和教科书。生活中一切其他的事物都在改变,从医疗业到运输业 一切都有所变化,但是教育领域仍保持原样。

It's also been a real issue in terms of access. So what you see here is not a rock concert. And the person you see at the end of the stage is not Madonna. This is a classroom at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. Now, we've all heard of distance education, but the students way in the back, 200 feet away from the instructor, I think they are undergoing long-distance education.

在是否有机会接受教育上,这也是个切实的问题。你看到的这张图片不是什么摇滚音乐会,讲台中间的那个人,不是麦当娜,这是一间教室,位于尼日利亚的奥巴费米亚沃洛沃大学。我们都听说过远程教育,但是坐在后面的学生离这位讲师有200英尺(61米) 我认为他们正在接受真正意义上的远距离教育。

Now, I really believe that we can transform education, both in quality and scale and access, through technology. For example, at edX, we are trying to transform education through online technologies. Given education has been calcified for 500 years,we really cannot think about reengineering it, micromanaging it.


We really have to completely reimagine it.It's like going from ox carts to the airplane. Even the infrastructure has to change.Everything has to change.We need to go from lectures on the blackboard to online exercises, online videos. We have to go to interactive virtual laboratories and gamification. We have to go to completely online grading and peer interaction and discussion boards. Everything really has to change.


So at edX and a number of other organizations, we are applying these technologies to education through MOOCs to really increase access to education. And you heard of this example, where, when we launched our very first course -- and this was an MIT-hard circuits and electronics course -- about a year and a half ago, 155,000 students from 162 countries enrolled in this course.And we had no marketing budget.


Now, 155,000 is a big number. This number is bigger than the total number of alumni of MIT in its 150-year history.7,200 students passed the course, and this was a hard course. 7,200 is also a big number. If I were to teach at MIT two semesters every year, I would have to teach for 40 years before I could teach this many students.

当时我们没有营销预算155,000是个大数目,这个数字大于麻省理工学院的校友总数,自其150年前建校以来7,200 学生通过了这个课程,而且这个课程很难。7,200也是个大数目如果我在麻省理工学院任教每年两个学期,要40年才能教到这么多学生。

Now these large numbers are just one part of the story. So today, I want to discuss a different aspect, the other side of MOOCs, take a different perspective. We are taking what we develop and learn in the large and applying it in the small to the classroom, to create a blended model of learning.


But before I go into that, let me tell you a story. When my daughter turned 13, became a teenager, she stopped speaking English, and she began speaking this new language. I call it teen-lish. It's a digital language. It's got two sounds: a grunt and a silence.


"Honey, come over for dinner."


"Did you hear me?"

Silence. (Laughter)

"Can you listen to me?"








So we had a real issue with communicating, and we were just not communicating, until one day I had this epiphany. I texted her. I got an instant response. I said, no, that must have been by accident. She must have thought, you know, some friend of hers was calling her. So I texted her again. Boom, another response. I said, this is great. And so since then, our life has changed. I text her, she responds. It's just been absolutely great.


So our millennial generation is built differently. Now, I'm older, and my youthful looks might belie that, but I'm not in the millennial generation. But our kids are really different. The millennial generation is completely comfortable with online technology. So why are we fighting it in the classroom? Let's not fight it. Let's embrace it.


In fact, I believe -- and I have two fat thumbs, I can't text very well -- but I'm willing to bet that with evolution, our kids and their grandchildren will develop really, really little, itty-bitty thumbs to text much better, that evolution will fix all of that stuff. But what if we embraced technology, embraced the millennial generation's natural predilections, and really think about creating these online technologies, blend them into their lives.So here's what we can do. So rather than driving our kids into a classroom, herding them out there at 8 o'clock in the morning -- I hated going to class at 8 o'clock in the morning, so why are we forcing our kids to do that?


So instead what you do is you have them watch videos and do interactive exercises in the comfort of their dorm rooms, in their bedroom, in the dining room, in the bathroom, wherever they're most creative. Then they come into the classroom for some in-person interaction. They can have discussions amongst themselves. They can solve problems together. They can work with the professor and have the professor answer their questions. In fact, with edX, when we were teaching our first course on circuits and electronics around the world, this was happening unbeknownst to us.


Two high school teachers at the Sant High School in Mongolia had flipped their classroom, and they were using our video lectures and interactive exercises, where the learners in the high school, 15-year-olds, mind you, would go and do these things in their own homes and they would come into class, and as you see from this image here, they would interact with each other and do some physical laboratory work. And the only way we discovered this was they wrote a blog and we happened to stumble upon that blog.


We were also doing other pilots. So we did a pilot experimental blended courses, working with San Jose State University in California, again, with the circuits and electronics course. You'll hear that a lot. That course has become sort of like our petri dish of learning. So there, the students would, again, the instructors flipped the classroom, blended online and in person, and the results were staggering.


Now don't take these results to the bank just yet. Just wait a little bit longer as we experiment with this some more, but the early results are incredible.So traditionally, semester upon semester, for the past several years, this course,again, a hard course, had a failure rate of about 40 to 41 percent every semester. With this blended class late last year, the failure rate fell to nine percent. So the results can be extremely, extremely good.

结果令人吃惊,到目前为止这些结果还不够真实,还得等我们对此进行更长时间的试验。但早期的结果已经叫人觉得不可思议,用传统的教学方式,一个学期接一个学期在过去几年里,这门课这门难学的课大约有40%到41%的失败率,每个学期 去年年底的这种混合教学将失败率降到9% 这种结果可以说是非常非常好。

Now before we go too far into this, I'd like to spend some time discussing some key ideas. What are some key ideas that makes all of this work?

在我们深入探讨之前我想花些时间讨论 一些核心观念,是什么样的核心想法使这一切如此奏效。

One idea is active learning. The idea here is, rather than have students walk into class and watch lectures,we replace this with what we call lessons. Lessons are interleaved sequences of videos and interactive exercises. So a student might watch a five-, seven-minute video and follow that with an interactive exercise.Think of this as the ultimate Socratization of education. You teach by asking questions.


And this is a form of learning called active learning, and really promoted by a very early paper, in 1972, by Craik and Lockhart,where they said and discovered that learning and retention really relates strongly to the depth of mental processing. Students learn much better when they are interacting with the material.


The second idea is self-pacing. Now, when I went to a lecture hall, and if you were like me, by the fifth minute I would lose the professor. I wasn't all that smart, and I would be scrambling, taking notes, and then I would lose the lecture for the rest of the hour. Instead, wouldn't it be nice with online technologies, we offer videos and interactive engagements to students? They can hit the pause button. They can rewind the professor. Heck, they can even mute the professor. So this form of self-pacing can be very helpful to learning.


The third idea that we have is instant feedback. With instant feedback, the computer grades exercises. I mean, how else do you teach 150,000 students? Your computer is grading all the exercises. And we've all submitted homeworks, and your grades come back two weeks later, you've forgotten all about it. I don't think I've still received some of my homeworks from my undergraduate days. Some are never graded.


So with instant feedback, students can try to apply answers. If they get it wrong, they can get instant feedback. They can try it again and try it again, and this really becomes much more engaging. They get the instant feedback, and this little green check mark that you see here is becoming somewhat of a cult symbol at edX.Learners are telling us that they go to bed at night dreaming of the green check mark. In fact, one of our learners who took the circuits course early last year, he then went on to take a software course from Berkeley at the end of the year, and this is what the learner had to say on our discussion board when he just started that course about the green check mark: Oh god“have I missed you ”

有这样的即时反馈,学生可以试着填上答案,如果做错了,他们可以获得即时反馈,他们可以一次又一次的尝试这个过程更加迷人,他们得到的即时反馈就是你看到的这个小小的绿色复选标记,它成了edX上令人痴迷的符号,学习者告诉我们他们晚上上床睡觉都做着绿色对号的梦。事实上,有一名学习者去年年初学习了那门电路课程,接着,他又修了一门伯克利大学的软件课程,就在同年年底这位学习者在讨论板上提到他刚刚开始学那门课的时候关于绿色的复选标记的想法: “天啊,我是那么的想念你”

When's the last time you've seen students posting comments like this about homework? My colleague Ed Bertschinger, who heads up the physics department at MIT, has this to say about instant feedback: He indicated that instant feedback turns teaching moments into learning outcomes.

你最后一次见到学生对家庭作业发表如此评论是什么时候?我的同事Ed Bertschinger 担任麻省理工学院物理系的主任,曾对即时反馈有这样的说法:他表示,即时反馈使教学时刻即时体现出学习成果。

The next big idea is gamification. You know, all learners engage really well with interactive videos and so on.You know, they would sit down and shoot alien spaceships all day long until they get it. So we applied these gamification techniques to learning, and we can build these online laboratories. How do you teach creativity? How do you teach design?


We can do this through online labs and use computing power to build these online labs. So as this little video shows here, you can engage students much like they design with Legos. So here, the learners are building a circuit with Lego-like ease. And this can also be graded by the computer.


Fifth is peer learning. So here, we use discussion forums and discussions and Facebook-like interaction not as a distraction, but to really help students learn. Let me tell you a story. When we did our circuits course for the 155,000 students, I didn't sleep for three nights leading up to the launch of the course. I told my TAs, okay, 24/7, we're going to be up monitoring the forum, answering questions.


They had answered questions for 100 students. How do you do that for 150,000? So one night I'm sitting up there, at 2 a.m. at night, and I think there's this question from a student from Pakistan, and he asked a question, and I said, okay, let me go and type up an answer, I don't type all that fast, and I begin typing up the answer, and before I can finish,another student from Egypt popped in with an answer, not quite right, so I'm fixing the answer, and before I can finish, a student from the U.S. had popped in with a different answer.


And then I sat back, fascinated.Boom, boom, boom, boom, the students were discussing and interacting with each other, and by 4 a.m.that night, I'm totally fascinated, having this epiphany, and by 4 a.m. in the morning, they had discovered the right answer. And all I had to do was go and bless it, "Good answer." So this is absolutely amazing, where students are learning from each other, and they're telling us that they are learning by teaching.

然后我坐回去,被吸引住了 砰 砰 砰 砰 学生之间,相互讨论交流,那天凌晨四点我完全入迷,他们渐渐顿悟到早上4点钟他们发现了正确的答案。我能做的就是去赞美一下 "答得好" 这太让人惊讶了,学生之间彼此学习。这告诉我们他们是因教而学。

Now this is all not just in the future. This is happening today. So we are applying these blended learning pilots in a number of universities and high schools around the world, from Tsinghua in China to the National University of Mongolia in Mongolia to Berkeley in California -- all over the world. And these kinds of technologies really help, the blended model can really help revolutionize education.


It can also solve a practical problem of MOOCs, the business aspect.We can also license these MOOC courses to other universities, and therein lies a revenue model for MOOCs, where the university that licenses it with the professor can use these online courses like the next-generation textbook. They can use as much or as little as they like, and it becomes a tool in the teacher's arsenal.


Finally, I would like to have you dream with me for a little bit. I would like us to really reimagine education.We will have to move from lecture halls to e-spaces. We have to move from books to tablets like the Aakash in India or the Raspberry Pi, 20 dollars. The Aakash is 40 dollars. We have to move from bricks-and-mortar school buildings to digital dormitories.


But I think at the end of the day, I think we will still need one lecture hall in our universities. Otherwise, how else do we tell our grandchildren that your grandparents sat in that room in neat little rows like cornstalksand watched this professor at the end talk about content and, you know, you didn't even have a rewind button?


Thank you.(Applause)

Thank you. Thank you. (Applause)

谢谢(掌声)谢谢 谢谢(掌声)

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