网址: 或者
- 通用说明
- Bernese格式文件(在BSWUSER52目录下的文件内容)
- CODE产品文件
- CODE在处理后的文件
- CODE-MGEX产品文件(多卫星)
- 所有文件名都是大写。
- 大部分文件都是UNIX压缩(后缀是.Z)。
- 文件名中时间的缩写采用格式如下(自Bernese5.0开始也采用):
使用的时间 菜单 时间
缩写 变量 说明
--------------- --------------- --------------------------------
mm $M 月 (2位)
yy $Y 年 (2位)
ddd $+0 年积日 (DOY) (3位)
dddh $S+0 时段
(DOY+字母 表示
小时时段 A..X)
yyyy $Y+0 年 (4位)
wwww $W+0 GPS 周
yymm $M+0 年, 月
wwwwd $WD+0 GPS 周 和 周内天
yyddd $YD+0 年 和 年积日
- Bernese格式文件(在BSWUSER52目录下的文件内容)
Bernese用户区域的主目录树可以区分伯尔尼不同GNSS软件版本。 目前我们有仅BSWUSER52。
随着未来发展,如果新格式的引入,可能会出现新的顶级目录,如BSWUSER53。 如果有子不同版本的目录包含完整的目录文件,将采用各自的格式。 如果两个版本中的有相同各的文件,将出现在两个子目录中。
目录 简短的文件内容说明
------------------ ------------------------------------------
BSWUSER52 5.2版本BSW格式文件
ATM Bernese对流层和电离层文件
GEN 通用 BSW 文件
ORB Bernese clock, ERP, 和 DCB 文件
STA Bernese 站坐标文件
详细BSWUSER52目录下的内容介绍。这些文件只能用于5.2版本的Bernese GNSS软件。
ATM 目录包含了Bernese格式的对流层和电离层文件,采用年方式的子目录:
CODyyddd.TRP.Z 最终的对流层延迟
COEyyddd.TRP.Z EUREF解的对流层延迟
COEyyddd.INX.Z EUREF解的IONEX格式电离层信息
COEyyddd.ION.Z EUREF解的Bernese格式的电离层信息
GEN 包含了通用文件,例如DATUM.、 RECEIVER.、 SAT_yyyy.CRX 。
输入文件包含了重力场文件、nutation 模型和subdaily pole 模型,放在这里主要是强烈推荐(默认)的模型。
ORB 包含了每天更新文件,有P1-P2 和 P1-C1 DCB值,还有Bernese格式的ERP文件。注意:C04 ERP 文件是基于ITRF14的。
基于ITRF08的C04 ERP 文件在子目录C04_08:
C04_yyyy.ERP C04 ERP files (ITRF08)
CODwwww7.ERP.Z 从GPS周0978开始的最终周COED ERP文件
CODwwww7.GCC.Z Weekly CODE final GCC files as from week 1400
CODyyddd.ERP.Z 从GPS周1706开始的最终天CODE ERP文件。
CODyyddd.GCC.Z Daily CODE final GCC files as from week 1706
CODyyddd.CLK.Z High rate (30 sec) satellite clock corrections
from the CODE final IGS solution
CODyyddd.CLK_05S.Z High rate ( 5 sec) satellite clock corrections
from the CODE final IGS solution
CORyyddd.DCB.Z Daily P1-P2 DCB estimates of rapid where
final information is not yet available
CODyyddd.DCB.Z 最终天P1-P2 DCB 估值文件
BRDyyddd.CLK.Z Broadcast clock information
The daily ERP files CODyyddd.ERP.Z are fully consistent with the
CODE final orbits available at URL
STA 包括如下站相关的文件:
CODE.STA Bernese 站信息文件,在CODE处理时包含的所有站
FES2004.BLQ FES2004海洋潮汐负荷改正,在CODE处理时用于所有站
IGS.STA 转换的igs.SNX站信息
IGS_FULL.STA 和IGS.STA一样,但是保留了单独的天线改正号
EUREF.STA 转换的euref.SNX 站信息
EUREF_FULL.STA As EUREF.STA but keeping individual antenna calibration
对于每一个ITRF 和 IGS 实现,提供了3个文件:
"REFNAM"_R.CRD: Bernese格式的核心站坐标,从参考框架"REFNAM"提取的
"REFNAM"_R.VEL: Bernese格式的核心站速度,从参考框架"REFNAM"提取的
"REFNAM".FIX: 参考框架"REFNAM"核心站列表
"REFNAM".PSD: 自从ITRF2014/IGS14实现,PSD (post-seismic deformation,震后形变) 改正也也要。
CODyyddd.CRD.Z CODE最终全球解的日坐标文件,从GPS周1706开始
CODwwww7.CRD.Z CODE最终全球解的周坐标文件,从GPS周0978开始
COEwwww7.CRD.Z CODE欧洲解的周坐标文件,从GPS周0886开始
CODE 产品文件
CODE 产品文件采用国际标准格,例如,精密轨道文件采用SP3c、钟信息采用Clock RINEX 格式,解文件采用
SINEX 格式,地球自转文件采用IERS 格式,电离层信息采用IONEX和导航 RINEX 格式,对流层信息采用Troposphere SINEX 格式, 可在以下文件夹找到
目录中包括如下CODE的快速、超快速和预报产品(predicted GNSS based products):
CODE.ACN 分析策略总结
COD.EPH_U CODE ultra-rapid GNSS orbits
COD.ERP_U CODE ultra-rapid ERPs belonging to the
ultra-rapid orbit product
COD.TRO_U CODE ultra-rapid troposphere product in SINEX
COD.SNX_U.Z SINEX file from the CODE ultra-rapid solution
containing station coordinates, ERPs, and satellite
antenna offsets
COD.SUM_U Summary of stations used for the latest
ultra-rapid orbit
COD.ION_U Last update of CODE rapid ionosphere product
(1 day) complemented with ionosphere
predictions (2 days)
COD.EPH_5D Last update of CODE 5-day orbit predictions, from
rapid analysis, including all active GLONASS
CODwwwwd.EPH_U CODE ultra-rapid GNSS orbits from the 24UT solution
available until the corresponding early rapid orbit
is available (to ensure a complete coverage of orbits
even if the early rapid solution is delayed after the
first ultra-rapid solutions of the day)
CODwwwwd.ERP_U CODE ultra-rapid ERPs belonging to the ultra-rapid orbits
CODwwwwd.EPH_M CODE final rapid GNSS orbits
(middle day of a long-arc solution where the rapid
observations were completed by a subsequent
ultra-rapid dataset)
CODwwwwd.EPH_R CODE early rapid GNSS orbits
(third day of a 72-hour solution)
CODwwwwd.EPH_P CODE 24-hour GNSS orbit predictions
CODwwwwd.EPH_P2 CODE 48-hour GNSS orbit predictions
CODwwwwd.EPH_5D CODE 5-day GNSS orbit predictions
CODwwwwd.ERP_M CODE final rapid ERPs belonging to the final rapid orbits
CODwwwwd.ERP_R CODE early rapid ERPs belonging to the early rapid orbits
CODwwwwd.ERP_P CODE predicted ERPs belonging to the predicted
24-hour orbits
CODwwwwd.ERP_P2 CODE predicted ERPs belonging to the predicted
48-hour orbits
CODwwwwd.ERP_5D CODE predicted ERPs belonging to the predicted
5-day orbits
CODwwwwd.CLK_M CODE clock product related to the final rapid orbit,
clock RINEX format
CODwwwwd.CLK_R CODE early rapid clock product, clock RINEX format
CODwwwwd.TRO_R CODE troposphere product from the early rapid
solution, SINEX format
CODwwwwd.SNX_R.Z CODE early rapid solution, SINEX format
CORGddd0.yyI.Z CODE rapid ionosphere product, IONEX format
COPGddd0.yyI.Z CODE 1-day or 2-day ionosphere predictions,
in IONEX format
CODwwwwd.ION_R CODE rapid ionosphere product, Bernese format
CODwwwwd.ION_P CODE 1-day ionosphere predictions, Bernese format
CODwwwwd.ION_P2 CODE 2-day ionosphere predictions, Bernese format
CODwwwwd.ION_P5 CODE 5-day ionosphere predictions, Bernese format
CGIMddd0.yyN_R Improved Klobuchar-style coefficients, RINEX
CGIMddd0.yyN_P 1-day predictions of improved Klobuchar-style
CGIMddd0.yyN_P2 2-day predictions of improved Klobuchar-style
CGIMddd0.yyN_P5 5-day predictions of improved Klobuchar-style
P1C1.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P1-C1 DCB solution, Bernese
format, containing only the GPS satellites
P1P2.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P1-P2 DCB solution, Bernese
format, containing all GPS and GLONASS satellites
P1P2_ALL.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P1-P2 DCB solution, Bernese
format, containing all GPS and GLONASS satellites
and all stations used
P1P2_GPS.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P1-P2 DCB solution, Bernese
format, containing only the GPS satellites
P1C1_RINEX.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P1-C1 DCB values directly
extracted from RINEX observation files, Bernese
format, containing the GPS and GLONASS satellites
and all stations used
P2C2_RINEX.DCB CODE sliding 30-day P2-C2 DCB values directly
extracted from RINEX observation files, Bernese
format, containing the GPS and GLONASS satellites
and all stations used
CODE.DCB Combination of P1P2.DCB and P1C1.DCB
CODE_FULL.DCB Combination of P1P2.DCB, P1C1.DCB (GPS satellites),
P1C1_RINEX.DCB (GLONASS satellites), and P2C2_RINEX.DCB
CODwwwwd.EPH.Z CODE final GNSS orbits
CODwwwwd.ERP.Z CODE final ERPs belonging to the final orbits
CODwwwwd.CLK.Z CODE final clock product(GPS+GLONASS since GPS
week 1934, 29-Jan-2017), clock RINEX format,
with a sampling of 30 sec for the GNSS satellite
and reference (station) clock corrections and
5 minutes for all other station clock
CODE final clock product (GPS+GLONASS since GPS
week 1934, 29-Jan-2017), clock RINEX format,
with a sampling of 5 sec for the GNSS satellite
and reference (station) clock corrections and
5 minutes for all other station clock
CODwwwwd.SNX.Z CODE daily final solution, SINEX format
CODwwwwd.TRO.Z CODE final troposphere product, SINEX format
CODGddd0.yyI.Z CODE final ionosphere product, IONEX format
CODwwwwd.ION.Z CODE final ionosphere product, Bernese format
CODwwww7.SNX.Z CODE weekly final solution, SINEX format
CODwwww7.SUM.Z CODE weekly summary file
CODwwww7.ERP.Z collection of the 7 daily COD-ERP solutions
of the week
COXwwwwd.EPH.Z CODE final GLONASS orbits (for GPS weeks
0990 to 1066)
COXwwww7.SUM.Z CODE weekly summary files of GLONASS analysis
CGIMddd0.yyN.Z Navigation messages containing improved
Klobuchar-style ionosphere coefficients
P1C1yymm.DCB.Z CODE monthly P1-C1 DCB solution, Bernese format,
containing only the GPS satellites
P1P2yymm.DCB.Z CODE monthly P1-P2 DCB solution, Bernese format,
containing all GPS and GLONASS satellites
CODE monthly P1-P2 DCB solution, Bernese format,
containing all GPS and GLONASS satellites and all
stations used
CODE monthly P1-C1 DCB values directly extracted
from RINEX observation files, Bernese format,
containing the GPS and GLONASS satellites and all
stations used
CODE monthly P2-C2 DCB values directly extracted
from RINEX observation files, Bernese format,
containing the GPS and GLONASS satellites and all
stations used
As soon as a final product is available the corresponding rapid,
ultra-rapid, or predicted product is removed from the aftp server.
CODwwwwd.EPH_M.Z CODE 最终快速GNSS轨道
CODwwwwd.ERP_M.Z CODE final rapid ERPs belonging to the final rapid orbits
CODwwwwd.CLK_M.Z CODE clock product (GPS+GLONASS)
related to the final rapid orbit, clock RINEX format
with a sampling of 30 sec for the satellite and
reference (station) clock corrections and
5 minutes for all other station clock
CODE product files from the reprocessing activity 2011 are available
in the directory
CODE product files from the reprocessing activity 2013 covering
GPS (1994-2001) and a combined GPS+GLONASS (2002-2013) are available
in the directory
CODE product files from the reprocessing activity 2015 covering
GPS (1994-2001) and a combined GPS+GLONASS (2002-2014) are available
in the directory
CODE_REPRO_2015.ACN Analysis strategy summary
GEN General files such as CONST., DATUM., GPSUTC.,
gravity fields, nutation and subdaily pole models,
as well as Earth and ocean tide models.
PCV_COD.I08 Antenna phase center file
SAT_NONE.I08 Satellite information file
SAT_yyyy.CRX Yearly satellite problem files
CODE.STA Station information file (Format version 1.01)
CODE.ABB Station abbreviation table
CODE.CLU Cluster definition file
FES2004.BLQ Ocean loading displacements (as of 26-Apr-2011)
ATM_VAPL.ATL S1 and S2 atmospheric tidal coefficients
EOP08C04.ERP Earth rotation parameters
IGS08COD.SNX SINEX file containing coordinates and velocities
of the IGb08 fiducial sites
CODyyddd.TRP.Z Troposphere information files
CODyyddd.CRD.Z Daily coordinate files
CODyyddd.ERP.Z Daily final Earth rotation parameter files,
Bernese format
CODyyddd.GCC.Z Daily geocenter coordinate files
CODwwww7.CRD.Z Weekly coordinate files
CODwwww7.GCC.Z Weekly geocenter coordinate files
VMFyyddd.GRD.Z Daily VMF1 troposphere model (VMF1) in gridded format
CODwwwwd.EPH.Z Final GNSS orbits
CODwwwwd.TRO.Z Daily troposphere SINEX file from final solution
CODwwwwd.ERP.Z Daily final Earth rotation parameter files,
IERS format
CODwwwwd.SNX.Z Daily SINEX product
CODwwww7.ERP.Z Weekly final Earth rotation parameter files,
IERS format
CODwwww7.SNX.Z Weekly SINEX product
CODwwww7.SUM.Z Weekly processing summary
CODwwwwd.CLK.Z Final clock product(GPS since GPS week 1060 DOY 124,
03-May-2000; GPS+GLONASS since GPS week 1460 DOY 001,
01-Jan-2008), Clock RINEX format,
with a sampling of 30 sec for the satellite and
reference (station) clock corrections and
5 minutes for all other station clock
Final clock product (GPS since GPS week 1199 DOY 001,
01-Jan-2003; GPS+GLONASS since GPS
week 295, 22-Oct-2010), Clock RINEX format,
with a sampling of 5 sec for the satellite and
reference (station) clock corrections and
5 minutes for all other station clock
The usage of the repro15 product series is expected to be acknowledged
by the following reference:
Susnik, Andreja; Dach, Rolf; Villiger, Arturo; Maier, Andrea; Arnold, Daniel;
Schaer, Stefan; Jaeggi, Adrian (2016). CODE reprocessing product series.
Published by Astronomical Institute, University of Bern.
URL:; DOI: 10.7892/boris.80011.
CODE为IGS MGEX贡献的五个系统(GPS,GLONASS,伽利略,北斗和QZSS卫星)的解。相关产品可以在如下目录找到
CODE.ACN 分析策略总结(Analysis strategy summary)
GEN General files such as CONST., DATUM., GPSUTC.,
gravity fields, nutation and subdaily pole models,
as well as Earth and ocean tide models.
CODE.STA Station information file (Format version 1.01)
CODE.ABB Station abbreviation table
CODE.CLU Cluster definition file
FES2004.BLQ Ocean loading displacements (as of 26-Apr-2011)
VAPL.ATL S1 and S2 atmospheric tidal coefficients
COMwwwwd.CLK.Z Daily satellite clock files, Bernese format
COMwwwwd.ERP.Z Daily Earth rotation parameter files,
Bernese format
The daily ERP and CLK files COMyyddd.???.Z are fully consistent with the
CODE final orbits available at URL
COMwwwwd.EPH.Z GNSS orbits, SP3 format
COMwwwwd.ERP.Z Daily Earth rotation parameter files,
IERS format
COMwwwwd.CLK.Z Daily clock files, clock RINEX format
COMwwwwd.DCB.Z Daily code biases, Bernese format
COMwwwwd.BIA.Z Daily code biases, bias SINEX format v0.01
The usage of the CODE-MGEX products is expected to be acknowledged
by the following reference:
Prange, L., D. Arnold, R. Dach, S. Schaer, D. Sidorov, P. Stebler, A. Villiger,
A. Jaeggi (2018). CODE product series for the IGS MGEX project.
Published by Astronomical Institute, University of Bern.
URL:; DOI: 10.7892/boris.75882.2.