North America
South America
oceania: [ˌoʊʃiˈɑ:niə] / Australia
Urope: ju:rep
Antarctica: aen'tartic
1. Chinese
2. cantonese
3. mandarin: menderin
I am good at speaking mandarin.
. Egypt: i:d3ipt
1. egyptian: i'd3iption
Pyramid is a ancient miracle in egyptian dessert.
2. Cairo ['kaɪro] 开罗
. Switzerland: 'switselaend 瑞士
1. capital: bern [bern]
. Peru: peru (秘鲁)
. Argentina (ɑrdʒənˈtinə) ( 阿根廷)
1. capital city: Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯
. Brazil [brə'zɪl] (巴西)
1. capital : Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢)
. Turkey
1. capital : istanbul (伊斯坦布尔)
. Mexico: m3sikou 墨西哥城
. Spain: spein
1. capital : ma:drid (马德里)
2. spanish
3. second large city: 巴塞罗那 barcelona [ˌbɑɹsə'loʊnə]
. Portugal: 'p):rtfu:gl 葡萄牙
. India
1. New Delhi (新德里)
. Europe: ju:repe
. French: fr3nch
1. capital: paris ( paeris )
. Italy: itaeli
1. capital: rome (roume) 罗马
Rome isn't built in a day.
when in Rome (入乡随俗):when in Rome, we need to learn from local person and be modest.
. Greece: gri:ce (希腊)
1. capital: Athens ['æθənz] 雅典
. England
1. capital: London
. ukraine [ju:'kreɪn] 乌克兰
1. capital: Kiev [ˈki:ev]
. Austria: )Strie 奥地利
.Scotland: sc):lend
1. Scottish 苏格兰的
.Malaysia : me'leishe 马来西亚
. Thailand : tail3nd
1. thai : 泰国人
. Colombia: ce'loumbie 哥伦比亚
.Morocco: mera:kou 摩洛哥
. Saudi Arabia: saudi e'reibie 沙特阿拉伯
. Iran: i'raen 伊朗
. Belgiumb: b3ld3em 比利时
. IceLand
. Panama: paene'me 巴拿马
. Sweden: swiden 瑞典
. Uruguay: 'ju:regwai 乌拉圭
. Poland: poulaend 波兰
. Denmark: d3nma:k 丹麦
. Nigeria: nai'd3ierie 尼日利亚
. Costa Rica: k)ste Rike 哥斯达黎加
. Holland: h)lend / Netherlands ['neðərləndz]
- capital:
Amsterdam:[ˈæmstɚˌdæm] 阿姆斯特丹
- unique feature
tulip [ˈtu:lɪp] 郁金香
extraordinarily free and open country ( weed and whore )
windmill: 'wind,mil ( wheel will turn around when the wind go through )
- language
dutch -> English
- map
. northern light
. jungle trek [trɛk] a long, hard walk lasting several days or weeks, especially in the mountains
I really enjoy jungle trek with beautiful scenery and wildlife