【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 5(II)词汇 Negotiation Terms
anchor point [化工] 定位点,锚定点
An anchor point is a reference point that negotiations are centered around.
It is the best outcome that one side hopes to achieve.
Normally, the first offer made during a negotiation serves as the anchor point.
Negotiators try to anchor the negotiation to their advantage to gain the upper hand.
gain the upper hand 占上风
bottom line 底线
A bottom line is the worst outcome that one side will accept.
If someone is pushed beyond their bottom line, they may walk away from the negotiation.
BATNA 谈判协议最佳替代方案
BATNA stands for "Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement".
It is the second best option a side may have in a negotiation.
A BATNA can be used as an alternative if an agreement can't be reached. 【跟读】
When one side has a good BATNA, they can make fewer compromises, so they have more power.
【选择】Knowing your bottom line can prevent you from... settling for an unfair deal.
【选择】-Why would one side make fewer compromises if they have a good BATNA? -They can turn to their alternative if necessary.
【选择】Someone may leave a negotiation if... they are pushed beyond their bottom line
【选择】If your alternative is better than an offer, ... you can leave the negotiation
【填空】My target salary was 10,000 dollars a month, but the HR set an anchor point of 5,000 dollars, which was far less than my expectation.
【填空】【朗读】If someone is offered something below their bottom line, they may walk away from the negotiation. 如果有人得到的东西低于他们的底线,他们可能会放弃谈判。
【填空】Because we didn't have a good BATNA, we unfortunately needed to settle for less than we had hoped.
【填空】To avoid an unfair deal, you should decide your bottom line before entering a negotiation.
leverage v. 利用;举债经营
Leverage is the power that one side has to influence another.
If you have more leverage in a negotiation, you can persuade people to accept your terms. 【朗读】
Typically, the side most in need of an agreement has the least amount of leverage.
leverage: 影响力
deadlock n. 僵局,停顿
In a deadlock, neither side is willing to compromise and no agreement can be made.
A deadlock happens when one side pursues its own interests instead of mutually beneficial terms.
To break a deadlock, negotiators must find a win-win outcome.
concession n. 让步;特许(权);承认;退位
A concession is a compromise that's made in order to reach an agreement.
Making concessions allows both sides to get part of what they want.
But giving too many concessions may make one side seem weak or desperate.
【选择】-What may cause a deadlock? -Neither side is willing to compromise.
【选择】-What might happen if someone makes too many conssessions? -They may be seen as weak.
【选择】-What do you often need to make in order to reach an agreement? -conssesions
【选择】-What indicates the worst outcome a negotiator will accept? -bottom line
【选择】The more leverage someone has in a negotiation,... the stronger their position will be
【填空】The more leverage you have, the stronger your position will be.
【填空】A negotiation reaches a deadlock when neither side is willing to compromise and no agreement can be made. 如果双方都不愿妥协,无法达成协议,谈判就会陷入僵局。
【填空】He made concessions because he didn't feel that he had any leverage.
【填空】If you make concessions too early, you may not get as much as you could from the other side.
【跟读】Making concessions can help you avoid a deadlock.