namely cancer cells (EPCAM; clusters 2, 5, 10, and 11), fifibroblasts (COL1A1; cluster 7), endothelial cells (CLDN5; cluster 9), T cells (CD3D; clusters 0 and 3), B cells (CD79A; cluster 12), NK cells (NKG7; cluster 4), mast cells (MS4A2; cluster 8), and myeloid cells (LYZ; clusters 1 and 6).癌细胞鉴定:
We considered the cells marked by EPCAM were cancer cells referred to a scRNA-seq study of lung cancer(ref:8)
- cancer cells (EPCAM; clusters 2, 5, 10, and 11)
- fifibroblasts (COL1A1; cluster 7)
- endothelial cells (CLDN5; cluster 9)
- T cells (CD3D; clusters 0 and 3)
- B cells (CD79A; cluster 12)
- NK cells (NKG7; cluster 4)
- mast cells (MS4A2; cluster 8)
- myeloid cells (LYZ; clusters 1 and 6)
We identifified 50 different stromal cell subclusters (including 7 clusters from endothelial cells, 5 clusters from fifibroblasts, 17 clusters from T cells, 3 cluster from B cells, 4 cluster from NK cells, 11 clusters from macrophages, and 3 clusters from mast cells) and 13 cancer cell subclusters, of which, we focused on some important cell subclusters to explore their functions.
cancer cell subclusters
stromal cell subclusters:
- 7 clusters from endothelial cells
- 5 clusters from fifibroblasts
- 17 clusters from T cells
- 3 cluster from B cells
- 4 cluster from NK cells
- 11 clusters from macrophages
- 3 clusters from mast cells
Compared to normal cells at the bottom of each of the SADC and GGN-ADC groups in Fig. 2a (including endothelial cells, fifibroblasts, T cells, B cells, NK cells, myeloid cells, and mast cells), according to cell chromosome fragment variation, the cells marked by EPCAM were clustered into nine groups.
normal cells:
- endothelial cells
- fifibroblasts
- T cells
- B cells
- NK cells
- myeloid cells
- mast cells