快进 、快退 、seek在ffplay的实现是⼀样的。
- 快进和快退的本质是seek到某个点重新开始播放。
- 跳转到指定的数据位置avformat_seek_file
- 清空packet队列
- 清空frame队列 ( 在ffplay里面是通过serial去控制)
- 插⼊flush_pkt以便冲刷解码器
- 切换时钟序列 ( ffplay)
- 清空解码器
SDLK_ LEFT :后退10秒
SDLK_ RIGHT: 前进10秒
SDLK_ UP: 前进60秒
SDLK_ DOWN :后退60秒
最终都调用的是do_seek -> stream_seek()
SDL_ MOUSEMOTION: 鼠标右键按下, seek到指定的位置, 最终也是调用stream_seek()
- seek_target位置的计算
- avformat_seek_file 接口
注意: 不同的容器 ( 比如MP4和FLV) seek的机制是不⼀样的 。有些容器seek的时间会快些, 有些则相对 耗时 。这个和容器的存储结构有关系。
* Seek to timestamp ts. 搜索时间戳TS
* Seeking will be done so that the point from which all active streams
* can be presented successfully will be closest to ts and within min/max_ts.
* Active streams are all streams that have AVStream.discard < AVDISCARD ALL ._
* If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE, then all timestamps are in bytes and
* are the file position (this may not be supported by all demuxers).
* If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME, then all timestamps are in frames
* in the stream with stream_index (this may not be supported by alldemuxers).
* Otherwise all timestamps are in units of the stream selected by stream_index
* or if stream_index is -1, in AV_TIME_BASE units.
* If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY, then non-keyframes are treatedas
* keyframes (this may not be supported by all demuxers).
* If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD, it is ignored.
* @param s media file handle
* @param stream_index index of the stream which is used as time base reference
* @param min_ts smallest acceptable timestamp
* @param ts target timestamp
* @param max_ts largest acceptable timestamp
* @param flags flags
* @return >=0 on success, error code otherwise
* @note This is part of the new seek API which is still under construction.
* Thus do not use this yet. It may change at any time, do notexpect
* ABI compatibility yet !
int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts, int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags);
typedef struct VideoState {
int seek_req; // 标识⼀次SEEK请求
int seek_flags; // SEEK标志, 诸如AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE等
int64_t seek_pos; // SEEK的目标位置(当前位置+增量)
int64_t seek_rel; // 本次SEEK的位置增量
} VideoState;
static int read_thread(void *arg)
for (;;) {
if (is->seek_req) {
int64_t seek_target = is->seek_pos;
int64_t seek_min = is->seek_rel > 0 ? seek_target - is->seek_rel + 2 : INT64_MIN;
int64_t seek_max = is->seek_rel < 0 ? seek_target - is->seek_rel - 2 : INT64_MAX;
// FIXME the +-2 is due to rounding being not done in the correct direction in generation
// of the seek_pos/seek_rel variables
ret = avformat_seek_file(is->ic, -1, seek_min, seek_target, seek_max, is->seek_flags);
if (ret < 0) {
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "%s : error while seeking\n", is->ic->url);
} else {
if (is->audio_stream >= 0) {
packet_queue_put(&is->audioq, &flush_pkt);
if (is->subtitle_stream >= 0) {
packet_queue_put(&is->subtitleq, &flush_pkt);
if (is->video_stream >= 0) {
packet_queue_put(&is->videoq, &flush_pkt);
if (is->seek_flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE) {
set_clock(&is->extclk, NAN, 0);
} else {
set_clock(&is->extclk, seek_target / (double)AV_TIME_BASE, 0);
is->seek_req = 0;
is->queue_attachments_req = 1;
is->eof = 0;
if (is->paused)
[1]. 调用 avformat_seek_file () 完成解复用器中的SEEK点切换操作
// 函数原型
int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts, int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags);
// 调用代码
ret = avformat_seek_file(is->ic, -1, seek_min, seek_target, seek_max, is->seek_flags);
这个函数会等待SEEK操作完成才返回 。实际的播放点⼒求最接近参数 ts, 并确保在[min_ts, max_ts]区间内, 之所以播放点不⼀定在 ts 位置, 是因为 ts 位置未必能正常播放。
函数与SEEK点相关的三个参数(实参“seek_min”,“seek_target”,“seek_max”)取值方式与SEEK标志 有关(实参“is->seek_flags”), 此处“is->seek_flags”值为0, 对应7 .4 .1节中的第[4]中情况。
[2]. 冲洗各解码器缓存帧, 使当前播放序列中的帧播放完成, 然后再开始新的播放序列(播放序列由各数据 结构中的“serial”变量标志, 此处不展开) 。代码如下:
if (is->video_stream >= 0) {
packet_queue_put(&is->videoq, &flush_pkt);
[3]. 清除本次SEEK请求标志 is->seek_req = 0;
以对mp4 和ts的seek 逻辑完全不⼀样
最重要的区别在于mp4 可以seek到指定的时间戳, ts 是 seek到文件的某个position, 而不能直接seek 到指定的时间点, 下面结合ffplay的代码看⼀下实际的seek逻辑。
对于ts,具体seek操作调用函数关系为 avformat_seek_file()=> av_seek_frame() => seek_frame_internal() => seek_frame_byte()
对于mp4,具体seek操作调用函数关系为 avformat_seek_file()=> av_seek_frame() => seek_frame_internal() =>mov_read_seek()
所以 ts 和 mp4 seek的差别就在最后⼀个环节,seek_frame_byte() 与 mov_read_seek() 的差别。
下面贴出这几个函数的相关代码, 稍加注释:
int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts,
int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags)
if (min_ts > ts | | max_ts < ts)
return -1;
if (stream_index < -1 | | stream_index >= (int)s->nb_streams)
if (s->seek2any>0)
if (s->iformat->read_seek2) {
int ret;
if (stream_index == -1 && s->nb_streams == 1) {
AVRational time_base = s->streams [0]->time_base;
ts = av_rescale_q(ts, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, time_base);
min_ts = av_rescale_rnd(min_ts, time_base.den,
time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,
max_ts = av_rescale_rnd(max_ts, time_base.den,
time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,
stream index 27
ret = s->iformat->read_seek2 (s, stream_index, min_ts, ts, max_ts, flags);
if (ret >= 0)
ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s);
return ret;
if (s->iformat->read_timestamp) {
// try to seek via read_timestamp()
// Fall back on old API if new is not implemented but old is.
// Note the old API has somewhat different semantics.
if (s->iformat->read_seek | | 1) {
int dir = (ts - (uint64_t)min_ts > (uint64_t)max_ts - ts ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0);
int ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | dir);
if (ret<0 && ts != min_ts && max_ts != ts) {
ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, dir ? max_ts : min_ts, flags | dir);
if (ret >= 0)
ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | (dir^AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD));
return ret;
// try some generic seek like seek_frame_generic() but with newts semantics
return -1; //unreachable
int av_seek_frame(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
int64_t timestamp, int flags)
int ret; 6
if (s->iformat->read_seek2 && !s->iformat->read_seek) {
int64_t min_ts = INT64_MIN, max_ts = INT64_MAX;
if ( (flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD))
max_ts = timestamp;
min_ts = timestamp;
return avformat_seek_file(s, stream_index, min_ts, timestamp , max_ts,
ret = seek_frame_internal(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);
if (ret >= 0)
ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s); 21
return ret;
static int seek_frame_internal(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
int64_t timestamp, int flags)
int ret;
AVStream *st;
if (flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE) { // ts文件走这个if条件的逻辑
if (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK)
return -1;
return seek_frame_byte(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);
// mp4文件走下面的逻辑
if (stream_index < 0) {
stream_index = av_find_default_stream_index(s);
if (stream_index < 0)
return -1;
st = s->streams [stream_index];
/* timestamp for default must be expressed in AV_TIME_BASE units */
timestamp = av_rescale(timestamp, st->time_base.den,
AV_TIME_BASE * (int64_t) st->time_base.num);
/* first, we try the format specific seek */
if (s->iformat->read_seek) {
ret = s->iformat->read_seek(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);
} else
ret = -1;
if (ret >= 0)
return 0;
if (s->iformat->read_timestamp &&
! (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOBINSEARCH)) {
return ff_seek_frame_binary(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);
} else if ( ! (s->iformat->flags & AVFMT_NOGENSEARCH)) {
return seek_frame_generic(s, stream_index, timestamp, flags);
} else
return -1;
seek_frame_byte函数: 直接seek到文件指定的position, ts 的 seek 调用此函数。
static int seek_frame_byte(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
int64_t pos, int flags)
int64_t pos_min, pos_max;
pos_min = s->internal->data_offset;
pos_max = avio_size(s->pb) - 1;
if (pos < pos_min)
pos = pos_min;
else if (pos > pos_max)
pos = pos_max; 14
avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET);
s->io_repositioned = 1;
return 0;
所以 ts seek 逻辑是:给定⼀个文件位置,直接将文件指针指向该位置。接下来调用 read_packet() 读取⼀个 ts 包(188字节)时,由于之前进行了seek操作,文件指针很可能没有指到⼀个 ts packet 的包头位置(包头以0x47 byte打头的),这时候需要调用 mpegts_resync() 进行重新同步找到包头,然后再重新 读取⼀个完整 ts packet。
mp4 的 seek 操作逻辑是:给定⼀个 seek的目标时间戳(timestamp),根据mp4 里每个包的索引信息,找到时间戳对应的包就可以了。根据下面的 mp4 的文件组织结构,利用Sample Table, 可以快速找到任 意给定时间戳的 video audio 数据包。
mp4 的文件组织结构如下图
1、对 mp4 文件来说,由于有索引表,可以快速找到某个时间戳所对应的数据,所以 seek 操作可以快速 完成。
2、ts 文件没有时间戳和数据包位置的对应关系,所以对播放器来说,给定seek 的时间戳ts_seek,首先 应该根据文件的码率估算⼀个位置pos,然后获取该位置的数据包的时间戳ts_actual, 如果ts_actual < ts_seek,则需要继续往后读取数据包;如果ts_actual> ts_seek,则需要往前读取数据包,直到读到ts_seek 对应的数据包。所以 ts 文件的操作可能更加耗时;如果 ts 包含的是 CBR 码流,则 ts_actual 与 ts_seek ⼀般差别不大,seek 相对较快;如果 ts 包含的 VBR 码流,则 ts_actual 与 ts_seek 可能相差甚远,则 seek 相对较慢。
- 关闭流
- 销毁队列资源
- 销毁线程
- 关注线程是怎么退出的
- 退出 :do_exit()