8.29-9.7, 有两天没有运动。原因:这两天是因为工作太多,不得不早起放弃运动,改为工作。但工作完就后悔了,因为应该要运动的。
I also thin(k) luxury is something that's always evolving. I(t) varies across markets / in terms of wha(t) people's standards are an(d) wha(t) their expectiations are.
连读:is something, that's always evolving, varies across, in terms of people's standards are, expectations are.
There's always an importance of location in the real esta(te) world.
连读:always an importance, importance of, real estate
You can build a luxury building bu(t) the en(d) user won'(t) view i(t) to be a comple(te) luxury experience if it's in a tertiary location within the context of an urban environmen(t). So that's a core principle.
连读:build a, experience if it's in a, context of, an urban, urban environment, that's a