Water On Earth地球上的水
Most of the Earth’s water is in the oceans. 地球上大部分的水都在海洋里。
The two largest oceans are thePacificandAtlanticOceans. 两个最大的海洋是太平洋和大西洋。
Unfortunately, we can’t drink ocean water. 不幸的是,我们不能喝海水。
This is because ocean water has too much salt. 这是因为海水含盐过多。
Fortunately, there is also water in lakes and rivers. 幸运的是,湖泊和河流中也有水。
This water isn’t salty, so we can drink it. 这水不咸,所以我们可以喝。
Only about 2% of the world’s water is fresh water. 世界上只有2%的水是淡水。
Without fresh drinking water, we can’t live. 没有新鲜的饮用水,我们不能生存
A person can’t live for more than a few days without water.一个人没有水不能活几天以上。
Rivers are important. 河流是很重要的。
Most rivers begin in mountains and end in the oceans. 大多数河流始于山脉,止于海洋。
The water flows from high ground to low ground. 水从高地流到低地。
At first, rivers are small and are calledcreeksorstreams. 起初,河流很小,被称为小溪或小溪。
As water enters from other streams, a river grows. 当水从其他小溪流入时,一条河就形成了。
Some rivers become very large and long. 当水从其他小溪流入时,一条河就形成了。
The longest river in the world is the Nile River, in Africa. 有些河流变得又大又长。
It’s almost 6,500 kilometers long. 它几乎有6500公里长。
As for water volume, the Amazon is the largest river. 就水量而言,亚马逊河是最大的河流。
Thevolumeof water flowing through it per second is more than in any other river. 每秒流过它的水量比任何其他河流的流量都要大。
Another use of rivers is for energy. 河流的另一种用途是能源。
The energy of falling water is used to produce electricity. 落水的能量被用来发电
This use of water supplies over 20% of the world’s electricity. 水资源的使用占世界电力的20%以上。
Rivers are also important for agriculture. 河流对农业也很重要。
Without water, farmers cannot grow food. 没有水,农民就不能种植粮食。
And of course rivers can be used for transportation.当然河流也可以用来运输。
River boats are used to carry things toinlandcities or lakes.内河船被用来运送货物到内陆城市或湖泊。