1.世间安得双全法 不负如来不负卿
Safety in the world is no friend to him who comes here.
2.我所拥有的都是侥幸 我所失去的都是人生
What I have is a fluke what I have lost is life.
3.你知我性子淡泊不喜争 只懂一味后退最后拱手相让
You know I am indifferent to dispute only know blindly back finally arch grace.
4.喜你人多 怪我懦弱
Like you blame me for cowardice.
5.从来没有拥有过 却好像丢了整个世界
Never had but seems to have lost the whole world.
Letting nature take it's course is just a nice way of saying you can't do anything about it.
7.孤独是路过我身边的影子 笑着对我说似曾相识
Loneliness is passing by my side of the shadow with a smile said to me deja vu.
8.别总像一个孤注一掷的赌徒 心存侥幸的押出你的全部
Don't be like a desperate gambler who is willing to take a chance on everything you have.
9.羡慕你光明磊落的不喜欢我 而我为你写句情话都要小心翼翼
Envy you open and aboveboard don't like me and I write a sentence of love for you have to be careful.