SDK does not contain ‘libarclite’ at the path…
解决方法:去pod里面搜索iOS Deployment Target,全部替换成最低支持iOS 12.0
dyld: Library not loaded: : @rpath/AFNetworking.framework/AFNetworking
解决方法:执行 pod install
Sandbox: rsync.samba (13105) deny(1) file-write-create
Xcode 15 Build 项目报错:
error while build iOS app in Xcode : Sandbox: rsync.samba (13105) deny(1) file-write-create, Flutter failed to write to a file
ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING是Xcode 15中引入的新选项,用于控制用户脚本在Sandbox环境下的运行。当该选项开启时,用户脚本将被运行在一个限制性的环境中,无法访问系统敏感信息或文件。这可以显著增加Xcode的安全性。
另:在Xcode的Project和Targets中,找到“Build Settings”内的“ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING”选项,将其设置为“YES”,即可开启此选项。
Xcode 14 中 Realse Note 说明了新增 ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING
You can now enable sandboxing for shell script build phases using the ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING build setting. Sandboxing blocks access to files inside the source root of the project as well as the Derived Data directory unless you list those files as inputs or outputs. When enabled, the build fails with a sandbox violation if a script phase attempts to read from or write to an undeclared dependency, preventing incorrect builds. (90506067)
Sandboxing 会阻止项目根目录和 Devried Data 文件夹,除非通过设置 Input Files 和 Output Files 指定要访问哪些资源
为 No