致:A 公司
To: A company
根据贵司的委托,就B 公司(下称B 公司)致函贵司一事,本律师基于贵司提供资料并假设该等资料是真实的、合法的、完整的,根据中国大陆法律出具本法律意见如下:
With the entrustment of A company (hereinafter referred to as “A ”), we hereby write to you regarding on the Notice for Adjusting Rent of A company’s Factory Building and Warehouse sent to A company(hereinafter referred to as “A company”) by B company (hereinafter referred to as “B”), based on the information provided by A and assuming that such information is true, lawful and complete, according to the Laws of mainland of China, we issue Legal Opinion as follows:
Ⅰ. Documents and Materials provided by A
1. Notice for Adjusting Rent of A company’s Factory Building and Warehouse
2. Letter of Agreement (2011.12.31)
3. Agreement (Logistics Warehouse Agreement, 2010.3.10)
4. A company 's Articles of Association and its attachments
Ⅱ. Brief
2018年9月19日,B 公司向贵司发函《关于厂房、仓库租金调整通知书》,就租金、合作企业终止问题提出方案:1、自2019年1月1日至2020年12月31日,将租金调整至人民币20元/平方米,即厂房租金每月140万元;2、货仓租金,2019年1月1日起,调至每月20万元;3、“如9月30日前未收到书面确认回复,将视为贵司同意以上方案。
On September 19, 2018, B sent Notice for Adjusting Rent of A company’s Factory Building and Warehouse to you, proposed solutions on rent and termination of Cooperative Enterprise:
1. The rent will be raise the rent to RMB20/square meter from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020, therefore, the monthly rent for factory building will be RMB1,400,000.
2. The monthly rent for the warehouse will be increased into RMB200,000 per month from January 1st, 2019.
3. If they haven’t received written reply of A before September 30, 2018, it is deemed that A has accepted and agreed the above proposals.
Ⅲ. Laws and Regulations
1. Company law of the People's Republic of China (2013 Amendment)
2. Contract law of the People's Republic of China (1999)
3. Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures (2017 Amendment)
4. Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises(2016 Amendment)
5.Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises (2014 Revision)
6.Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Registration of Enterprise Legal Persons (2016 Revision)
Ⅳ. Analysis of the Emphasis
(一)按照法律规定或合同约定,B 公司可否单方上调厂房租金?
(I) Can B raise the rent of factory building by itself in accordance with legal provisions or contractual provisions?
1. In the Agreement and its Agreement Renewals, does not involved of the rent of factory building, or replace with Processing Fee, which in article 2, article 3 of Agreement Renewal(on 31st August, 2007) "the factory building is 8000 square meters, as of a fixed Processing Fee per square meter HKD 14, fixed Processing Fee is HKD112,000 per month", "as prices rise, the price shall be adjusted every two years", the validity of this Agreement Renewal ends on 28th February, 2013.
2、2011年12月31日,发《协议函》给B 公司,对工缴费/租金作了约定和安排,B 公司在“我司特此确认并接受本协议函中的条款及条件”下方签字并盖章,“A公司”项下有法定代表人签字。
2. On December 31, 2011, the Letter of Agreement was sent to B by A company China Limited (hereinafter referred to as “A company China”), which agreed and arranged the processing fee and rent by both parties. B signed and sealed under "we hereby confirm and accept the terms and conditions in this Letter of Agreement", and the legal representative of A company China signed under "A company ".
Article 4 of Letter of Agreement says that from 1st March, 2013 to 28th February, 2025, the processing fee/rent shall be RMB 1,050,000 per month (RMB15 * 70,337 square meters). From 1st March, 2025 to the appropriate period, after the consent of both parties, adjustments shall be made according to the Fair Market Price, but the increase shall not be higher than 10%.
3、综上,双方对占用所涉厂房产生的工缴费/租金,有比较明确的约定,双方应当按照该约定执行。B 公司单方要求上调厂房租金,显然没有依据,贵司可以要求按照上述约定继续履行。
3. In conclusion, both parties have a clear agreement on the processing fee/rent of the involved factory building, and both parties shall abide such agreement. Apparently, the request of B to increase the rent of factory building is without legal basis, therefore you should continue the enforcement of the above agreement.
Nevertheless, you should also be noted that the Contract Law stipulates that the lease term of the property shall not exceed 20 years. If the lease term starts from 31st December, 2011, it shall be renewed before 31st December, 2031.
(ii) Can the rent of warehouse be increased by itself in accordance with the legal provisions or the contract?
1. In the Agreement and Agreement renewals, the rent or processing fee has not been mentioned of involved. If "the warehouse" is included in the scope of the factory area agreed in the Agreement, the above clause (I) of this legal opinion shall be applicable, and we shall not repeat hereinto. If not, then the analysis is as follows:
2. Article 5 of Letter of Agreement, on 30th March, 2010, Logistics Warehouse Agreement will remain unchanged and valid. And they agreed, from 1st October, 2018 to 30th September, 2022, the monthly rent is RMB112,866. From October 1, 2022 to the appropriate period, after the consent of both parties, adjustments shall be made according to the Fair Market Price, but the increase shall not be higher than 10%.
If “the warehouse” is within the scope of the Logistics Warehouse Agreement, it shall be executed according to the Agreement of the Logistics Warehouse Agreement, therefore, you can request to enforce the above rent level as for now.
3、B 公司与“C 公司”并非同一主体,在通知书中,“C 公司”并未落款签署,B 公司也未获得“C 公司”的有效授权,而越俎代庖,声称“C 公司要求”如何如何,显然该部分内容无法作为“C 公司”的意思表示。虽如此,基于现实考虑,贵司也应予重视。
3. B is not the same entity as C company, in the Notice for Adjusting Rent of A company’s Factory Building and Warehouse, C company has not signed and sealed. B did not To obtain effective authorization from C company, yet, B claims that C company demands for this and that and etc. Apparently, this part can not be considered as the ture intentions of C company . Nevertheless, you should also pay highly attention to it, considering of the practical issues and reality.
In brief, we are inclined to think that, Letter of Agreement can be an independent contract. Even if the business operating period of A company has expired or terminated, A company China can still request to perform the terms agreed in the Letter of Agreement. Also, at the same time, it should also be noted that they have very strong and specfic reasons, opinions and grounds, it should not be underestimated at all, and the final conclusion can only be made by the Court or the Arbitration.
Ⅴ. Summary
单纯就B 公司要求上调租金而言,其没有合理合法的依据,我方可以要求其维持现有租金水平。
As for the request for rent raise of B, it has no reasonable and legal basis, and we can ask B to maintain the current rent level.
Please send us feedbacks on these above opinions, thank you!
XXX Law Firm
27th September, 2020