UKCAT results are made available before the UCASdeadline and should be used to help inform an applicant's UCAS choices,otherwise they might be wasting an application.
Some Universities may provide indicative scores,based on previous years' experience to guide candidates in relation to theiradmission requirements.Such scores maybe subject to change in 2017.Universities will indicate on their websites if this is the case.
For some the UKCAT score is a significant factor intheir consideration of applications. For others it may be a less significantfactor or only used in marginal situations.Most Universities consider the total score (i.e. the score after each ofthe cognitive subtest scores have been added together). Some however do look atindividual subtest scores and may even have a cut-off score for a particularsubtest.
Some Universities have a threshold score thatcandidates have to achieve in order to be considered further in their admissionprocesses. This score is often determined each year but Universities willusually indicate on their website threshold scores that have been used inprevious years.
Other Universities use the UKCAT alongside factorssuch as academic achievement, personal statement and interview performance. Thefactor may be significant or may contribute a small amount to the finaloutcome.
Some universities use the score (sometimes in
addition to the above uses) to discriminate between candidates who have‘scored’equally at some point in theprocess. The UKCAT score provides an additional way of ranking such candidatesin order to decide who can proceed to the next stage.
A small number of Universities use the test toprovide opportunities to candidates who perhaps would not have progressed tointerview (for example) using traditional selection methods. This may advantagecandidates who have not have achieved the highest academic score but haveperformed particularly well in the UKCAT.