The three keys to a great speech
I think if you want to take your speaking game to the next level, one of the most important things that you need to have is have a very concise message. That the audience can remember as well as recall. If you can’t write your message in less than 10 words, there is no speech.
Secondly, have an attention-grabbing opening. Now when you go in public you speak today, the audience, they have get a very low attention space, so you gonna grab their attention. Then backing the day, the audience is giving attention to speaker but today the resopnsibility is on the speaker. So have a bank opening so like you can really grab the audience’s attention. One of the thing you can really do is telling an interesting story. Use an anecdote or ask a rhetorical question that really grab the attention or you could frame a problem that you think it is relevant to the audience. In the form of story, so that the audience knows as why they should listen to your speech.
In the first 45 seconds, framing the centre problem is something like a lot of speakers do. So if you can frame the problem that you think it is relevent to the audiences and in a really creative way, now you get audience’s attention.
Number three, end the speech in a HIGH. A lot of speakers what they do is end a speech in a low. But really great speakers they end in a high. So soon as you peaking, you get to stop, have a cold stop. Here is a speech, and people remember that. Because you leave them wanting more.
第三点,讲完的语气高昂。很多演讲者发表完演讲却是以低沉的语气收尾。但是真正厉害的演讲者往往会以高昂的语调结尾。所以当你的语调快速地升高时, 你要停下来,做一个冷停止的处理。所以发表演讲的时候,人们就会记住演讲了,因为你有所保留,而他们想知道得更多。
干货|八个方法 让你的英语词汇量biu biu biu地增加;