I'm five hundred miles away from home. Teardrops fell on mama's note whe...
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart Without saying a word y...
Feel I'm goin' back to Massachusetts Something's telling me I must go ho...
When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waitin' for my favorite songs W...
“The Birthmark” is a tale about a scientist, Aylmer, and his beautiful w...
第一次直播看选举辩论,听着还挺有意思的。这次辩论是在克利夫兰的CWRU,两位候选人像是在吵架,主持人Chris Wallace一直在制止T插嘴,...
自从在Win 10的日历中加了阴历显示,我对各种传统节日的到来更加灵敏了。因为疫情的缘故,我已经在家办公半年有余,再加上今年还没怎么休假,顺便请...