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    短篇小说 ·“傻子”和他的狗 作者:seine123 傻子的傻不是天生的。二十年前,富力村一整个夏天没有下一滴雨。傻子家的几亩地也都荒了,一个籽都没有结出来。傻子有一个姐姐,...

  • 2017-04-01

    ■ You are doing a project on fashion. Your teacher gives you an article and an in...

  • 120

    01 一直有一个这样的问题:“为什么优秀的人总是不合群?” 网上最经典的答案是:“优秀的人也合群,只是他们合的群里没有你。” 02 想起了自己的一些故事。 大学时,我遇到了一...

  • the bad day at school = my feeling of today's

    Every people thinks that school is a good place to go and study. I think so too. But to...

  • The day at school

    The day at school Today is a nice day. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It...

  • Write homework in libaruary

    Today I went to the CheungTai Plaza with mom after school. It must be the biggest plaza...

  • The football match

    Today we had a football match between 6B and 6C. The matches are taking in Grade 6. The...

  • Write homework in libaruary

    Today I went to the CheungTai Plaza with mom after school. It must be the biggest plaza...