最近看了一篇深度好文,讲的是资深老前端对于前端现状的看法:2016年前端技术观察。我觉无论是跨界还是新进入前端行业的同学都应该看一下。 我自己看...
本文教你如何在chrome控制台中,使用mark.js,随意标注任何网页中的任何内容。 首先,我们下载mark.js源码:https://cdn...
Babel is a JavaScript compiler which makes you capable to use next gener...
CNPM is taobao's NPM mirror. Open you terminal app and type the followin...
Please refer to GitHub official documentation.
Nicolas1.1 is a simple yet powerful library for building modern, compone...
Compass is an open-source CSS Authoring Framework. First, open the termi...
Open the terminal app and switch to the root user to avoid permission is...