预习+摘抄: ·You just can’t do everything you want to do and do it well. You ...
词:erode 英英释义:to gradually reduce something such as someone's power or co...
词:big- 例句:Retail sales are sluggish, especially forbig-ticketitems. 2. 体...
词:-bound 例句:Homebound travelers were stranded at the airport. 2. 体会这个词 ...
词:out- 例句:The benefits outweigh the risks. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇) “out”作为前缀使用是非常...
词:-rich 例句:It is said that consumingvitamin C-richfoods regularly can lo...
词:ill- 例句:As a matter of fact, affirmative action is a well-meaning theo...
词:laggard The 英英释义:a person who makes slow progress and falls behind oth...
词:well- 例句:Such a vision, howeverwell-intended, was never realistic. 2. ...