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  • The government of the Tibet autonomous region launched an annual clean-up campaign on Saturday to clean the debris by the mountain climbers when they climb the world's tallest peak, Mount Everest. China News Service quoted the Tibet Mountaineering Association staff as saying that the campaign will last nine days, focusing on clearing camps at 5200 to 6500 meters high, an area which has the most garbage.
    The campaign was co-launched by the national and regional Mountaineering Association、 the Tibet Sports Bureau and the local government. More than 90 people will take part in the clean-up campaign.
    According to The Xinhua News Agency, Tibet Forestry Bureau expressly prohibited tourists across the Long Tang Nature Reserve - the Chinese largest highest-level nature reserve, also prohibit Xinjiang and Qinghai nature reserve through. This measure aims to protect the ecological environment. At the same time, tourists, adventurers and travel agents are required to abide the rules of natural reserves and protect "the last pure land on the earth".

  • The old bicycle brand "phoenix" who has 120 years history will step up cooperation with ofo bicycle and open up foreign markets.
    Manufacturers announced on Monday at their 120th anniversary celebration that Shanghai's "Phoenix" will provide Ofo with at least 5 million bicycles for Beijing, Shanghai and surrounding cities in the next few years.
    In order to meet overseas demands, the "Phoenix" will produce different type of bicycles for Ofo. And "Phoenix" signs will also be added to these yellow bicycles.

  • The government of the Tibet autonomous region launched an annual clean-up campaign on Saturday to clean the debris by the mountain climbers when they climb the world's tallest peak, Mount Everest. China News Service quoted the Tibet Mountaineering Association staff as saying that the campaign will last nine days, focusing on clearing camps at 5200 to 6500 meters high, an area which has the most garbage.
    The campaign was co-launched by the national and regional Mountaineering Association、 the Tibet Sports Bureau and the local government. More than 90 people will take part in the clean-up campaign.
    According to The Xinhua News Agency, Tibet Forestry Bureau expressly prohibited tourists across the Long Tang Nature Reserve - the Chinese largest highest-level nature reserve, also prohibit Xinjiang and Qinghai nature reserve through. This measure aims to protect the ecological environment. At the same time, tourists, adventurers and travel agents are required to abide the rules of natural reserves and protect "the last pure land on the earth".



  • The old bicycle brand "phoenix" who has 120 years history will step up cooperation with ofo bicycle and open up foreign markets.
    Manufacturers announced on Monday at their 120th anniversary celebration that Shanghai's "Phoenix" will provide Ofo with at least 5 million bicycles for Beijing, Shanghai and surrounding cities in the next few years.
    In order to meet overseas demands, the "Phoenix" will produce different type of bicycles for Ofo. And "Phoenix" signs will also be added to these yellow bicycles.


    中国120年的自行车老品牌“凤凰”将于共享单车Ofo开启合作并为其开拓海外市场。 制造商于星期一在其120周年庆典上宣布在接下来的几年中,上海凤凰将为Ofo提供至少500万辆...