上午,我们去了枣园革命旧址。 来到枣园革命旧址,让人浮想联翩。枣园,位于延安城西北约7.5公里。1943年至1947年,是中共中央书记处所在地。...
今天我们坐客车来到了延安,并在下午去了黄帝陵。 刚进门我们就看到一棵巨大的树,长得非常大,也非常粗,七八个人抱着也抱不住。这棵树有5000多年的...
6月30日,我抱着期待的心情随着研学团乘坐高铁来到了西安,并开启了这里6天的红色学习之旅。 Day1 刚下高铁,我们就坐车去吃了饭。 随后我们去...
Macaroni is a type of pasta.It's VERY tasty!Today I'm going to show you ...
After several days, I wrote Jianshu again. Today is our last day at Bost...
In the morning, after getting up at the sheraton hotel, we visited Yale ...
In the morning, after getting up from the Hilton Hotel, we had breakfast...
After we finished breakfast at the Hilton this morning, we went to the L...