It has beendemonstrated[https://elifesciences.org/articles/46752#googtra...
There are a number of treatments available to treat epilepsy in general:...
4个方面 1 There aretreatments, drugs and medical procedures that can helpad...
Syngap1 患者会出现在睡眠阶段由大脑转换时而癫痫发作,国外研究机构使用Fycompa在小白鼠上发现,有助于癫痫发作 在复旦附属儿童...
原文摘录,拿chrome浏览器自带翻译,可直接翻译为为中文,准确度较高 SYNGAP1 Epilepsy Most people withSYN...
目前通过美国SYNGAP1基金会的问卷调查,治疗SYNGAP1全球的用药如下: 使用药物的副作用如下:
Synaptic Ras GTPase-activating protein 1, also known assynaptic Ras-GAP ...
1. BACKGROUND AND AIM SYNGAP1-NSID is thought to result from limited fun...