常见的“尽管如此”的表达有although, though, despite, in spite of...这里列几个阅读中常出现但自己用时往往...
in between阅读中常遇见,意思说难不难,但要理解透并用好也不易。 Every morning Mr Van Cleve and Benn...
“The children are just lazy. They will do the minimum to get by.” Or “Mo...
今早和同事偶尔聊起小孩的兴趣班。聊到某些兴趣班报了一段时间以后,小孩不想学了。this morning My colleague and i t...
actually this title has nothing to do with this journal itself. i happen...
A YEAR AGO on a December night in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I attended the b...