一原材料引用 全文 二学习与感悟 今天把新练习的录音与一个月的录音相比较,感觉当初的自己简直菜下一匹,当初jiao着自己还不错,现在听起来到处是...
一原材料引用 全文 二信息与事实 全文升降调,拔高材料的练习 三学习与感悟 今天练习全文阅读的时候,还是感觉轻松一点的,因为自己每天会把新学过的...
一原材料引用 The American heart association says about ninety-five percent of ...
一原材料引用 Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again He s...
一原材料引用 1.He says this would save lives 2.Studies show that many people d...
一原材料引用 He said people should increase the number of chest presses from 1...
一原材料引用 Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability Only ren perc...