240 发简信
  • 您好,我想请问下计算最后出现这个错误,但是我已经把终止子删除了,这是什么情况呢?
    5 columns are converted into ??? because of stop codons
    Press Enter to continue
    Sequences read..
    Counting site patterns.. 0:05

    169 patterns at 224 / 224 sites (100.0%), 0:05
    2 ambiguous codons are seen in the data:
    ??? ---
    Counting codons..
    NG distances for seqs.:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    440 bytes for distance
    164944 bytes for conP
    0 bytes for fhK
    5000000 bytes for space

    Species 0.9990?

    D:\paml4.7\paml4.7\bin\codeml.exe -- killed


    dn/ds又叫ka/ks,具体的概念,意义百度上都有。现主要介绍最近用到的三种计算途径,分别是maga7,datamonkey,paml。 做选择压力分析的序列文件,需要先c...

  • 老师您好,我出现的问题是明明删除了终止密码子,却提示还包含,跑出来错误。结果只包含到了每个物种dn/ds的矩阵,没有了下面的结果。请问应该怎么处理呢?以下是我的跑的时候错误提醒,请您指教一下,谢谢。

    1708 columns are converted into ??? because of stop codons
    Press Enter to continue
    Sequences read..
    Counting site patterns.. 0:05

    4143 patterns at 6319 / 6319 sites (100.0%), 0:05
    3 ambiguous codons are seen in the data:
    --- ??? ATK
    Counting codons..

    360 bytes for distance
    4043568 bytes for conP
    132576 bytes for fhK
    5000000 bytes for space

    Species 1.0000?

    D:\paml4.7\paml4.7\bin\codeml.exe -- killed


    更新:20190319 使用EasyCodeML完成dnds的计算,自己尝试了分支模型和位点模型的计算,简直不要太容易! 更新:20190314 教程 http://wiki...