练习材料: 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 37-2 The process of ageing 衰老过程 It is one of the ...
练习材料: 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 37-1 The process of ageing 衰老过程 At the age of twe...
练习材料: 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 36-3 The cost of government 政府的开支 As administrati...
练习内容:跟读模仿朗诵 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 36-2 The cost of government 政府的开支 The admin...
练习内容: 跟读模仿 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 36-1 The cost of government 政府的开支 If a natio...
练习内容: 跟读模仿 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 35-3 Space odyssey The idea of colonising Ma...
练习内容: 跟读并模仿《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 35-2 Space odyssey Because the gravity on th...
练习内容:跟读并模仿《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 35-1 Space odyssey The Moon is likely to beco...
练习内容: 跟读并模仿 《新概念英语第四册》Lesson 34-3 Adolescence 青春期 The adolescent, with h...