11. He Is a Bus Driver He is a bus driver. He drives a school bus. He dr...
达斯汀·卡特(Dustin carter),美国俄亥俄州的一位没有双手和双腿的高中生,他不因为自己是残疾人而放弃自己热爱的自由式摔跤,成为一个励...
2016.11.27 Sun 8:14 lesson 16Sue has a doll.It has a new dress.She wil...
1. What's in the Boxes? There are boxes on the floor. She opens a box. T...
元音字母 a, e, i, o, u, Lesson 1a…The cat is so fat. atcapmap 我家 dad(爸爸) ...
2016年11月26日 Lesson 11This is a fat hen.The hen has a nest in the box.She...
2016年11月26日 lesson 6Nat's capA fat dogHas the lad a dog?The lad has a fa...
开始学习英语,从简单的地方,下最深的功夫。 2016.11.25 lesson 1a cat and a rata rat and a cat ...