重音:secondhand 连读:the electric bill (j) 表达: overdraft 透支 银行开账户:open an ac...
Day1: 表达积累: 1. hectic: sth is hectic e.g. My job's really hectic this ti...
untouched: not change, damaged, or affected in any way adj, 没有变化的,不受任何影响...
budding: beginning to develop or become successful adj: 崭露头角,刚刚起步的,当我们想表...
conducive: creating a situation that helps something to happen Pulling a...
meaning: existing or done for a good reason, and therefore acceptable 正常...
central: of the greatest importance; principal or essential China's Refo...
receptive: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas Gener...