S10E01 - After Joey and Rachel Kiss Rachel 也想和 Ross 说清楚,但 Ross 在酒店拿的 300...
S09E01 - No One Proposes Rachel 以为 Joey 向她求婚,说了句「OK」,但最后真相大白,也表示愿意和 Ross...
S07E01 - Monica's Thunder Rachel 看到 Monica 订婚了自己八字还没一撇很难过,就和 Ross 亲热了起来,...
Monica: Alright. Phoebe?Phoebe: Ok, ok. If I were omnipotent for a day, ...
Rachel: Terry, I, I, I know that I haven't worked here very long, but I ...
Monica: Oh my God!Paul: I know, I know, I'm such an idiot. I guess I sho...
S06E01 - After Vegas Rachel 不想这桩莫名其妙的婚姻拖累自己一辈子, 要求 Ross 注销 Monica 觉得两个人目...
Mrs. Geller: Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who is c...