从某一天开始变的理智,然后意识到自己之前做事比较感性。 情绪是能力不足的产物, 最近在有意识的观察自己的情绪,也有意识的控制自己的情绪。 对于毫...
6. Learn to soothe yourself. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and...
5. Meet your needs. People in codependent relationships are great at mee...
4. Start making your own decisions. One way to ease into making your own...
3. Become assertive. Becoming assertive is a powerful way to improve you...
2. Challenge your beliefs and assumptions. Observe your beliefs, and be ...
1. Get to know yourself. “You can’t be independent if you don’t know who...
Most of us live in a state of codependence, be it with our partners, fri...