我很好,我不说话,不吵闹不无理取闹不妄自菲薄,不矫情不害怕这个世界的无动于衷,我曾经盼望过路过的花园,绽放的那个瞬间,即使一切如风,了无痕迹。 ...
这该是多少人的痛点,有着一颗想要与众不同的心,却无法挣脱出现实的平庸,只好平凡到死。 我要不一样,要周围以我为聚光灯凝聚点,要有人提起我就是仰望...
Review:Chen Su meets the men again and has known the cruel man named Wan...
PreviewChen Su didn't die and has escaped from the dangerous people. He ...
Review:Chen Su was admitted to a Beijing college. That night, he was bum...
Only two souls support each other to build the perfect living shape. Thi...
2017.4.18 磨叽来到家里的第三天。 终于知道猫奴是怎样一个存在了! 周日中午磨叽来到了新家庭,认识了妈咪,和妈咪的妈咪爸比。第一眼看到这...
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