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  • 每日一词 Stepping stone

    1.好习惯是成功的垫脚石。 Good habits are a stepping stone to success. 2.造句 Reading ...

  • 每日一词 source

    1)翻译下面的句子: 姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。 Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source of pride o...

  • 每日一词 engine

    1.过去几年投资是中国经济的引擎,现在主要是消费在拉动中国经济。 While investment was the engine of Chin...

  • 每日一词 alternative

    1.如今,许多美国的大学除了接受托福成绩外,也接受雅思成绩。 Many universities in the United States no...

  • 每日一词 Panacea

    1.很多 CEO 希望能够找到解决企业所有问题的万能药。 Many CEOs hope to find a panacea for solvin...

  • 2018-11-03

    1.创业公司的精髓是快速增长。 The essence of startups is rapid growth. 2.造句 The girl h...

  • 2018-11-02

    1.这款新的电动汽车将会优于它的竞品。 The new electric car will have an edge over its riva...

  • 每日一词 appeal

    1.经济学人吸引了很多想提高英语写作水平的人。 The Economist has wide appeal for people who wan...

  • 每日一词 CEMENT

    1.八卦巩固了人们之间的友谊。 The exchange of gossip can cement a friendship. 2.造句 Thi...