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  • 论文笔记 | 基于主题意义探究的英语教学理念与实践 | 程晓堂

    Terry: 每一个语篇都有它的内容,每一个语篇的内容都有主题,我们对语篇的理解就是对它的主题意义的探究 Jessie:1. 解读明白语篇的基本...

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    心心念念想做翻译,可是一直没有努力,没有坚持训练,当然更没有机会实践。就像是一个遥不可及的梦,不可能实现。 上半年镇里的侨联忽然接到要接待檀香山...

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    国庆假期回家陪伴妈妈。避开拥堵的1号和6、7号,头尾虽然有4天,但只真正住了3个晚上,而路上就已经2天了,能陪妈妈做的事情太少。 10月3日和妈...

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    Essay Writing Task

    Mr. C is really strict with me. He expects me to be an expert teacher or...

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    Reflection on Teaching Seminar

    I have never thought that I would have the guts to go on the stage to sh...

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    Translation is Fun

    My first translation work was collected as an excellent one in the web. ...

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    Praising Makes Children Grow

    I got a thank-you message from one of my students' mothers. She told me ...

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    Observing New Teacher's Class

    As the vice principle of the school, part of my work is to observe how t...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Think Deeper and Help More

    The two-day soul-growing course in Zhongshan taught me how to deal with ...

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