240 发简信
  • 20187.16优酷语法

    on seeing her,she cried to 修饰名词,形容词和副词 not until I did not graduate from...

  • stuff

    He says "I'm not anti-stuff — stuff is good. I'm anti too much stuff and...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    .Do you have a hobby that helps you relax and unwind? For some people, t...

  • 杜鹃鸟

    bout in many ways. {3} With some men it needs a cataclysm (灾难), as a sto...

  • 回忆小时候的居住地

    I suggested that he should go home for a while. He had often spoken to m...

  • 离开的场景片段

    I was glad that, catching sight of the clock at the Army and Navy Stores...

  • 晚餐的场景描写,热闹但又冷漠

    Strickland gave the polite little laugh with which people acknowledge a ...

  • 男性中年性格

    He was a man of forty, not good-looking, and yet not ugly, for his featu...

  • 一个女性的性格,家庭.

    Mrs. Strickland had the gift of sympathy. It is a charming faculty (能力),...