1.日落跌进昭昭星野,人间忽晚,山河已秋。 2.“晚风轻踩着云朵,夕阳深处有一家橙色的便利店,贩卖着橙色与温柔。” 3.“等晚霞代替落日说过晚安,温柔的月色就会洒到你的枕头旁...
1.日落跌进昭昭星野,人间忽晚,山河已秋。 2.“晚风轻踩着云朵,夕阳深处有一家橙色的便利店,贩卖着橙色与温柔。” 3.“等晚霞代替落日说过晚安,温柔的月色就会洒到你的枕头旁...
Is the translation of the last sentence serious?
2021考生自勉的励志文案所有的努力最终都会绕个大圈回报给你。 All efforts will eventually return to you in a big circle. 你是要长大的小朋友...
The world can be harsh and cold place.But we must live with warmth.
每日英语day(十三)Don't be sad everyday. 不要每天都不开心。 There are many people and many things in this w...
I think he is narcissistic,but I hold the same view.
写给宝贝 我祝福你们在对方身上得到的快乐与我给自己的一样多。He need to find another human being to share one’s life with has always puzzled me. May...
Women hold up half the sky.
《The Mirror And I》演讲稿赏析当自己爬到一个更高的高度,才恍然发现,自己需要精进的,还有许多许多。 今天要分享的演讲稿片段是刘欣的《The Mirror And I》。这篇文章让她在世界演讲中一举夺魁。这...