场景:她的生活没有受周围环境的影响。 造句:Her life was untouched by the life around her.
场景:10年前大家对QQ农场有狂热。 造句:People had a craze for QQ farm 10 years ago.
场景:这项项目的目的是挑选合适的人。 造句:The idea of the project is to choose the right per...
场景:这个只是一个暂时的安排。 造句:This is only a tentative arrangement.
场景:她因为劳累而头晕了会。 造句:She had suffered a dizzy spell from tiredness.
场景:她就是他的磁场。 造句:She has become a magnet for him.
场景:这个方案的优点是省钱。 造句:The merit of the solution is low cost.
场景:微信是一个受人信赖的聊天工具。 造句:Wechat is a trusted conduit for chatting.
场景:她的性格是外向与内向兼而有之。 造句:Her character is a hybrid of outgoing personality ...