Free Minds and Free Men 作为回顾篇,很欣慰自己从开始坚持到最后去读一本书,虽然很多至今都不太懂。 在我看来,这本书就像是...
The Great Books 你不曾平静的看完一本书,所以你不知道读书给你带来的幸福感有多么强烈,特别是读书之经典。读一本好书,就像穿高品质衣...
The other half 不知道大家的圣诞节过得怎么样,可能是我是老了,蹦不动了。。。。 From this chapter, we can...
And Still More Rules In this chapter, I learned more rules about reading...
The Things the Reader Can Say 在阅读的时候,让自己昏昏入睡比保持清醒要容易得多。爬上床,找个舒适的位置,让...
The Etiquette of Talking Back 读了这么久的书,几乎还都都做不到interpretative reading. Re...
What is the proposition and why Not only coming to terms but making prop...
Coming to Terms When in any context you knew precisely what I meant when...
Seeing the Skeleton 关于阅读中整理内容大纲的四原则—— The first rule: Classify the book ...