Export existing env: Modify the first line (name) (and last line(path), ...
Attempt to install SPIVET on CentOS 7 via Anaconda Dependencies Create a...
Installation Make sure to install IO shield to chassis before mounting m...
dependency : nlopt LAPACK BLAS already installed in mac as Accelerate fr...
1.搭建一个有公网ip的vps 参考这里第一部分Google Cloud Platform虚拟机部署。 BTW,GCP搭建的SSR不稳定,不能作...
latex&&xelatex: How to install LaTeX and XeLaTeX in Fedora 19 libreoffic...
对3.0以上版本有效。 1.configure 配置环境时常常遇到mpi库的链接问题,如果是类似Intel openmpi的包,直接config...
0.缩放各种图形界面的文字和边栏,改变主题,设置电源动作 终端输入: gnome-tweak-tool 建议开启黑色主题。 1.Cairo Do...