Error C2084 function 'int main(void)' already has a body sourcex.cpp 15
Error (active) E2512 the argument to a feature-test macro must be a simple identifier error_code.hpp 401
Error (active) E2512 the argument to a feature-test macro must be a simple identifier vtkSetGet.h 930
Error (active) E2512 the argument to a feature-test macro must be a simple identifier PCL-Config vtkSetGet.h 932
VS2017配置PCL1.9.1 for win10(超详细)作者经历了从PCL1.7-PCL1.9,VS2013-VS2017的反复配置,其过程是坎坷与辛酸,踩过各种坑,现在配置起来真的是炉火纯青了。现在又来台新电脑了,没错,再来配置...